Chapter 10

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Hey guys so heres Chapter 10 for yous :) I want to thank everyone that has read this story so far! And also the picture of Justin & Jasmine is NOT my edit, i just found it on the internet


Mine (Justin Bieber)

Chapter 10

I smiled when he pulled up to McDonalds, i love this kind of food. I just love food all together.

"You really love your food dont you Jasmine" Justin said while laughing slightly and getting out of the car and us both walking in.

I nodded "I love food like this, im not like a typical girl that eats salad and that. I like my food greezy" I said laughing a little.

He nodded "Its nice to know a girl that eats unhealthy like me" He said while smirking and winking at me.

I couldnt help but blush when he winked at me...those effects he has on me.

After we ordered we got back into his car, i wanted to eat there but he said he wanted to take me to a secret place of his.

To be honest i was a little nervous to be alone with him again cause i always get so nervous and make a complete fool of myself. And i dont want that to happen again.

He started driving and all i could see were tons of trees surrounding us. Justin laughed quietly and i looke at him "What?"

He laughed and shook his head "Theres no need to look so nervous Jasmine"

I sighed and looked at my phone, nothing.

I felt the car come to a stop and i looked around. Theres were trees everywhere and the grass was bright green, it looked so nice and peaceful.

I turned my head to see Justin looking at me "Come on, lets get out" He said while getting out of the car and grabbing the McDonalds. I got out too and followed.

We walked a little bit and then i saw him sit down on the grass. I sat down next to him and smiled a little. It was so quiet and peaceful here.

"Its so nice did you find it?" I said turning my head so i was looking at Justin.

"Well one day i was bored and Justin wanted to get away from everyone so i was driving and driving and i found this" He said while smiling lightly

I nodded and grabbed my chicken nuggets and chips out of the bag.

I started eating, i was starving so i ate quickly. I heard Justin laugh and i looked at him "What? Im hungry alright...dont judge" I said laughing a little.

He put his hands up "Im not judging..ive just never seen a girl eat like that before"

I shrugged "Like i said, im not like most girls Justin"

He nodded and smiled a little "Yeah ive noticed that alot"

After a while of us talking away we got to know eachother pretty well. He was actually alot nicer than i thought. 

I smiled a little and layed down, it was so peacefull. I heard movement next to me and saw Justin laying down next to me "Im really happy you bought me here, its so peaceful and its nice to clear my mind of everything"

"Yeah its great here, whenever i come here i make sure i bring food and i just sit down and relax" He said.

I looked at him wondering if i should ask him the question thats been on my mind since we arrived.

He must have noticed i was looking at him and he turned his head towards me "Yes?"

I looked at him "I have a question....How many girls have you brung here?"

I know it was a stupid question to ask but it had to be asked. Its just he's been with so many girls and i was curious to know if im the first one he's taken here or if its just where he takes all the others.

He looked at me "Thats abit offensive"

I looked at him "Im sorry its've been with alot of girls and you obviously not the only one you've bought here"

He looked at me and then sat up "I swear on my family's lives that your the only one ive brung here Jasmine...i never showed any of the other girls because they would all start brining their friends here and it wouldnt be a secret. And i felt as if i could trust you not to tell anyone else"

I looked at him smiling a little "But how do you know you could have trusted me..maybe i might put this on facebook for everyone to know"

He laughed slightly "I know you wouldnt do that. You barely go on facebook anyway"

I gasped "How do you know that! YOU STALKER" i said while laughing.

He laughed too. It was actually fun hanging out with Justin, he was alot better than i thought. But at the same time i just wanted to kiss him..his lips looked very kissable right now. Okay i have serious problems.


Hope yous enjoyed that!

Justin and Jasmine moment :)

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