Chapter 8

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Hey guys sorry i havent posted in a while but here's Chapter 8 for yous and i hope yous enjoy :) And also the picture of Justin & Jasmine is NOT my edit, i just found it on the internet


Mine (Justin Bieber)

Chapter 8

A couple days later i decided to go back to school. The bruises had gone down alot. I grabbed my liquid foundation and put it over my face, then i grabbed normal powder foundation and also put it over my face, it hid the bruises.

I quickly got changed, ran downstairs. Said a quick goodbye to mum and ran out the house to see Ariana waiting for me in her car.

The day after the incident that happened Ariana came over than night and i explained to her the whole story. She ended up getting really upset and so did i. Then we stayed up all that night watching movies and pigging out on food.

I smiled "Hey Ari"

She smiled "Hey. OMG you'll never guess what. Josh tried scaring me, he was standing on the couch arm chair that is leaning up against the wall. So i walk down the hallway and i hear him groaning in pain so i look and he was laying on the ground. Turned out he lost his balance and fell..i almost peed my pants, it was so funny"

I laughed, when Josh every tried to prank or scare someone it would always fail and he'd end up hurting himself some way.

I smiled while Ariana drove us to school, i was a bit nervous. Apparently everyone in school knew about the little incident that had happened to me.

When we got out of the car i saw Josh run up to me and hug me. I smiled and hugged back "hey Joshy!" I laughed after saying his nickname because he hated it.

He groaned "I told you to quit calling me that, it makes me feel like im 5"

I laughed "But ive always called you that"

He shook his head and looked at me "Im happy your back at school"

I smiled and nodded then heard groaning behind me. I pulled away from Josh and saw Ariana.

She groaned "Seriously, yous hug for way to long..ew"

I couldnt help but laugh. You see Ariana was always scared Josh and I would start dating but no..ew. We dont like eachother like that.

Then Ariana and i walked away and to our table.

I frowned when i saw Barbara and Vanessa making their way over to us. Oh great thats just what i need.

Barbara smirked while looking at me "So your finally back, its quite sad what happened to you. But i bet you told him to do that because you saw Justin walking that way"

Vanessa nodded "Dont act so innocent Jasmine. We all know you want Justin!"

Barbara nodded agreeing with Vanessa "Vanessa is right. Your going around acting like a sweet innocent girl, but i bet you want to fuck Justin. Well he's mine bitch so stay away from him alright. Or ill make sure you stay away"

With that they both walked off. I groaned, they think there in control of everything because their popular. 

But the truth is they treat people like rubbish, have sex with the popular boys and im nothing like that.

I like to stay at home and watch tv and pig out on food. Im saving my virginity for my boyfriend, when i get one and if i trust him enough not to hurt me ill give it up.

Ariana looked at me "I cant believe they think they can just come up to you, boss you around and tell you that you cant have anything to do with Justin"

I nodded "I know, their just jealous because Justin has been spending time with me i guess"

She nodded "Hell yeah their jealous Jas. I mean seriously they are so pathetic"

I nodded "They are, but they cant threaten me and tell me i cant have anything to do with Justin. He saved me from that guy, he was there for me the days after doing anything to get my mind off of what that guy done to me. Just because they tell me what to do doesnt mean i will"

I smiled slightly, normally i always listened to them and done everything they told me to do because i was scared of what they would do.

But this time im standing up for myself and doing what i want.

Hope it was alright

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