Chapter 21

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Okay so heres my 2nd update for the night :) Please dont hate me for this one guys! Hahah enjoy


Mine (Justin Bieber)
Chapter 21

Its now been a week since Justin and I had done the deed. And since then we hadnt talked. To say i was angry was an understatement because i was beyond furious. At school he had been ignoring me and completely avoiding me. So yesterday i had broken up with him.

*Flashback to Yesterday*
I sighed walking out of the school, it had just finished for the day and i saw Justin standing against the brick wall with his back facing me.

This is it. Im going to do it.

You see the fact that Justin and I had slept together and then he just starts ignoring me makes me furious! Like why do people do that? Do they enjoy hurting peoples feelings. Guys suck!

“Looks like i finally found you” I said while seeing him turning around.

“Oh uh hey there” He said while rubbing his neck “Look i have somewhere to be” He said while he was about to walk off.

“No. I dont think so Justin” I said while crossing my arms “You’ve been ignoring me this past week, like what the hell Justin! If you didnt want to be with me you should have just told me” I said while trying not to rip his head off.

“I do wanna be with you. Ive just been busy..” He said while shrugging.

I rolled my eyes “Your such a bad liar! Seriously that is the worst lie ive ever heard” I said while shaking my head “Its over between us. You obviously only wanted me for one thing and you got it and youve been ignoring me and i dont want to be with someone who’s going to do that. So bye” I said while glaring at him and walking home.

Relationships have so much drama...

Guys are justso complicated...maybe i should just stick to likeing famous guys. Its so much easier.

I sighed walking into the house seeing mum wasnt here once again. I havent really seen her much since she’s been extremely busy with her job.

I walked into the kitchen to see a note on the fridge

Jasmine i wont be home tonight, i have to work again. Dinner is in the fridge.

I groaned and chucked the note in the rubbish bin. It would be so nice to have mum home. I havent seen her much at all really. She’s either been at work or sleeping. I hate it.

But i guess next week is gonna be good since the school trip is going to be happeneing. Thats going to be fun but also horrible because i have to see Justin and the 2 cows aka Barbara and Vanessa.

I looked through the fridge and found some chocolate and smiled, yes i loved eating chocolate.

I heard someone at the door and groaned. Seriously.

I walked to the front door and opened it to see Ariana standing there smiling.

Does she always have to be so smily? Doesnt her face hurt?

“Hey Ari, whats up?” I said while looking at her.

“I heard about you and Justin. Im sorry about him, he’s just..arg! I want to punch him and kick him down the stairs” She said while shaking her head.

I nodded and laughed a little, i could never see Ariana pushing someone down the stairs, she’s too weak.

“Anyway i know your Mum isnt home and i bought movies and junkfood” She smiled while holding up two bags. One for a sleepover and one full of food.

I smiled “Seriously Ari, you are the best friend that anyone could ask for” I said while taking the bag full of food to the kitchen.

“I thought you might need some girl time, cause you’ve kinda been distant since Justin’s stopped talking to you” She said while walking into the lounge with me.

I sighed “Im really sorry. I was just upset Ari. I kept thinking you know all the things that i had done to make him do that” I shurgged.

She nodded “Well no more stupid Justin talk. His name is banned for tonight” She smiled while putting a DVD into the tv.


Hey guys i hope it was alright!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2015 ⏰

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