Chapter 13

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Hey guys heres Chapter 13 for yous and i hope yous enjoy! Plus the pictures of Justin & Jasmine in this story are not my edits, i found them on the internet.


Mine (Justin Bieber)

Chapter 13

I stood there frozen while Taylor walked past me brushing his arm against mine. I had hoped he was gone for good after he left, but he's back.

All those horrible memories of him hurting me came flooding through my brain and i felt horrible and sick. What if he was going to hurt me again.

Ariana looked and me and we sat down on a bench "Its alright Jasmine, he wont hurt you during school. He knows he'll get suspended"

I nodded slightly, she was right...but who knows when it comes to Taylor.

"Your right, he wouldnt do anything to me in school" Jasmine said while sighing.

** Later during that day **

I sighed while sitting on the benches during p.e, i told the teacher i wasnt feeling very well and got to sit in here.

I groaned when i saw Justin walk into the girls change room...yes i did say the GIRLS change room.

He smiled at me and i felt like kicking him in the face "Hey Jasmine"

I looked away ignoring him. I didnt feel like talking to him, he's been ignoring me so im doing the exact same.

"Come on Jas, dont be like this. Dont ignore me" Justin said with a smile on his face.

I glared at him "Dont be like this, dont ignore me. Oh please, you've been doing that to me for a whole month!"

He sighed while running his hand through his hair "Im sorry about that"

I laughed "Your sorry. Yeah i dont believe that for one second that your sorry Justin. That day when i told you everything about Taylor and I, you said no matter what ill be there for you. Then the next day i come to school and go up to you and you pretend im one of your sluts, well im sorry. I want nothing to do with you anymore Justin. Im sick and tired of everyone lying to me" I said while standing up and grabbing my bag.

I just couldnt stand people today, it was a hard day for me. It was the day my father died several years ago.

I felt his hand grab mine and pull me back "Come on Jasmine, why not we go somewhere and talk about this"

I shook my head and felt tears forming in my eyes, it wasnt because of Justin. But it was because of the thought of my dad. I didnt even want to be at school, and seeing Taylor back here was playing with my emotions.

He must of heard me sniffle "Hey, whats wrong. Im sorry i didnt mean to make you cry" Justin said while moving around to face me.

I shook my head "No, its not just you. I just have alot of things going on" I said while whiping my tears, i hated being upset infront of people.

Justin bought me back to sit down on the bench "Do you wanna talk about it" He said while putting his arm around me.

I shook my head "The last time i told you something personal you didnt speak to me. So i dont really want to speak about it"

He nodded and looked down at me while i was looking up at him.

I smiled slighty, he looked so good today i will admit.

My eyes moved down to his lips, they looked so kissable right now. I bit my lip when i saw his tongue move over them.

I couldnt help myself but lean in. I couldnt help but feel my cheeks heat up when our lips touched.

That was right, i was kissing Justin. 


Sorry it was short! But hope yous liked it

And Justin and Jasmine kissed ;)

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