Chapter 18

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Hey guys heres Chapter 18 for yous :) Hope yous enjoy.


Mine (Justin Bieber)

Chapter 18

** 2 Months Later **

So it has been 2 months since Justin and I had started dating. He has been really nice and sweet at times, yet at times he is him pervy self. 

No we have not done anything yet. Only making out and thats all.

I rubbed my eyes while walking downstairs into the loungeroom to see Ariana asleep. I laughed because her mouth was wide open. What if a fly flew into it.

I walked into the kitchen to see mum cleaning up. I havent seen much of mum lately, she's been working alot.

I smiled while walking over and hugging her, she smiled and hugged back.

"Morning Jasmine, i just got home" She said while yawning.

Mum got a new job as a chef in this really fancy hotel and she works litterally all the time. It sucks her not being around all the time.

I nodded "They should really give you less shifts, your never here and you work crazy hours mum" I said while pouting.

We both walked to the table and took a seat "Im fine with the hours Selena and im getting paid really good" She smiled.

I nodded, smiling "Okay im just checking, cause i never see you. Im either at school or asleep"

She looked at me "Has Justin been staying over?"

I shook my head "Nope, not yet mum"

She nodded and looked at me "So yous havent had sex yet?

I blushed, i talking about this subject with my mum "No mum we havent"

She looked at me "I thought yous would have, yous have been going out for a while..." She said smirking a little.

I groaned "Mum..seriously" I said while running my hands through my hair.

She laughed a little "Well i have to have this talk with you anyway. Because your on the pill it means you cant have children. But once you and Justin start having sex you have to continue taking it because i dont want you getting pregnant alright" She said looking at me.

I nodded "Yes mum i do know that. The Doctor tells me that stuff"

She nodded "Okay good. Im just making sure. And if you dont feel like your ready just say no. Now im going to catch up on some sleep" She smiled while walking off to her room.

I walked back into the loungeroom to see Ariana awake "I heard the talk with your mum" She said giggling "Dont worry both my parents gave me that talk the other day. It was horrible" She said while rolling her eyes.

I nodded "Its just so weird hearing it from my mum" I said shaking my head and jumping onto the couch.

We decided on watching the movie The Proposal, we loved it.

After a while Ariana had to go home. I was about to go up to my room when i heard a knock at the door.

I sighed walking to it and opening it to see Justin standing there, i smiled "Hey Justin"

He smiled and looked at me "I was wanting to know if you'd like to come to mine for the night" He said while biting his lip looking nervous.

I looked at him and smiled a little "I'd like that" I said while walking upstairs with him and into my room to pack a small bag.

After i finished packing my bag and Justin going through my fancy underwear we finally got to his house.

And i knew that tonight was the night.


Hope this one was alright!

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