Chapter 3

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Hey guys heres Chapter 3 for yous and i hope this one is alright! :)


Mine (Justin Bieber)

Chapter 3

Ariana looked at me “Lets just go back to my room, there weird” 

Josh looked at her “Were right here Ari, we can hear you”

Ariana smirked “Good!”

We both got out of the spa and walked towards the house. While we were walking I heard Justin speak to Josh “Dude she’s got the big ass and the big boobs! I never knew”

I blushed a little when I heard that, but then I have to remember. All he does is sleep with girls, he’s the biggest player…kinda sucks.

Ariana turned towards me “Did you just hear what he said about you! Your gonna be his next victim to sleep with Jas”

I shook my head “Im not losing my v card to a guy that will sleep with me once and never talk to me ever again Ari”

We got to her room and she looked at me again “Well then be careful, cause you’ll fall for his little games Jas”

I sighed “Yeah, yeah. Now im gonna go shower” I said while grabbing my clothes and toiltres and walking to the bathroom.

I went to put my clothes on the counter when I heard someone walk in. I turned around to see Justin shutting the door and locking it.

I gasped slightly. What if he is planning on killing me. Oh god! I cant die 

“Uh..Uhm w-what are you doing Justin” Im gonna be honest he looked extremely good right now

He smirked while walking closer to me. I kept walking backwards until my back hit the wall “J-Justin”

He smirked while putting his hands on the wall against the wall so I couldn’t move “You know..Jasmine” He said in a deep sexy whisper “Ive noticed you staring at me at school. You think I wouldn’t know. But I do”

I gulped not knowing what to say, he left me speechless.

“Babe theres no need to be so quiet” He smirked.

I could feel my face heat up by the way he said babe “J-Justin please…” I stuttered

He bit his lip and bent down a little so he was the same height as me “Look I know you want me, you don’t have to be so shy about it”

I shook my head “Justin..please leave”

He shook his head and suddenly leaned in and kissed me roughly. I gasped slightly but when I did he shoved his tongue in my mouth.

This was not what I expected…

I tried pushing him away from me but his grip on my shoulders were too hard.

How dare he kiss me! Yeah I liked him and all but were not even dating and he wont even let me go!

I pushed hard on his chest and he pulled away “What? I thought you liked me. Ive heard your conversations with Ariana and I know you like me!”

I looked at him “So what I like you. It doesn’t mean you can force yourself on me! Were not even dating, I only kiss someone if im dating them!”

He looked shocked by my words “You know babe. You can kiss someone even if your not dating them”

I shook my head and pointed to the door “Get out and let me have a shower in peace”

“Nah babe I think I might join you for that shower” He said while running his hand down my stomach and to the front of my bikini bottoms and running his fingers against the tip of them.

I felt uncomfortable with his hands where they were. “Justin!” I said while pushing him away “Just stop! And get out”

He laughed “What are you a virgin or something and don’t want to get touched by a guy yet”

With that I felt my cheeks heating up again “Just go”

He smirked and moved his hands away “You are a virgin. Well this makes things 10 times better” 

And with that he took a couple steps away and unlocked the door and walked out.

I stood there shocked of all the things that just happened. How could I let him do that, im so stupid! Im just like all the other girls, falling at his feet.

I quickly locked the door, undressed and got into the shower.

I just couldn’t stop thinking about that kiss. Even though it was rough I kinda liked it. Oh who am I kidding…I loved it.


Hope it was alright

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