||The Last Day

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Skylar sat around in her room, when she overheard her older brothers along with Elena having a conversation with someone she didn't know.

She couldn't sleep that much last night, for some reason her inner vamp was yapping at her, she felt like something was coming or worse somebody. To be honestly she had grown suspicious.

"Then why are we letting him break the curse? We can kill him today. With Bonnie." which is when Skylar walked in.

Elena looked at her. "Wait, I know you, you where at the Grill." as Skylar gave a awkward wave as Stefan said "Elena, meet Skylar." as Damon interrupted him saying "Our darling saint of a little sister."

Skylar shot him a glare as she walked downstairs. "Yes, I am. I didn't want to break my cover, plus I thought you where Katherine, so yes I'm Damon and Stefan's little sister, really I'm Stefan's baby twin sister."

"It is nice to meet you for real Elena." as she shook Elena's hand as Elena asked "Why are you just now showing up, and why didn't you tell me about Skylar?"

Skylar said "I've been MIA from family for a while, but it was all my own choice, but I'm back to help my family deal with Klaus, from the sounds of it."

Skylar turned to the vampire in a suit "Aren't you one of of them, how do we know we can trust him ?" Skylar said pointing to him as Elena took Skylar's hand "Skylar, I trust Elijah, he always gives his word."

Skylar flinched at Elena's touch, it was just like Katherine's. She didn't want to be manipulated again.

She pulled away before folding her arms saying "Stefan clearly likes you, and if my brother likes you and Damon deals with it, then I will protect you to." as Skylar gave a smile

Elena nodded.

"All right, how do we break this curse?" Stefan asked as Elijah said " Well, the ritual itself is relatively straightforward. The ingredients, so to speak, you already know."

"The moonstone."

"A witch will channel the power of the full moon to release the spell that's bound within the stone. After that, Klaus, being both werewolf and vampire, will sacrifice one of each."

"And where does Elena fit in ?" Skylar asked.  "The final part of the ritual." as Skylar noticed Elijah grabbed a box from a shelf.

"Klaus must drink the blood of the doppelganger...to the point of your death." as Skylar and Damon looked at Elena, who took Stefan's hand and she looked at him.

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