|| Our Town

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It was daytime, Damon was smiling while he was taking a shower in his bathroom.


Elena was punching and kicking a punching bag. Alaric entered the room.

"Hey, you're gonna put a hole in that thing! You want to talk about it?"

"Nothing to talk about." she told him.


Damon got out of the shower and walked into his bedroom, whistling happily. Stefan was waiting for him.

"Good morning." as Stefan said "You're late. We were supposed to meet Bonnie at the witch house in ten minutes."

"Relax, brother. You don't want your hair to fall out."

"Would you hurry up? We have work to do. You know, Klaus and Kassandra aren't gonna spontaneously self-destruct. Why are you all chipper?"

"No reason. Be with you in a minute." as Skylar walked in.

"You both ready ?" her hair was tied into a top bun as she wore eye shadow.

"On our way." Stefan told her as Skylar noticed Damon. "Why are you so happy ? You're out of Bourbon." as Damon said "Can a guy just be happy."

"It's unusual." Skylar said as she smelled the air, "Smells like my French Toast is ready." as Damon said "You only eat french toast, when you're in a cheerful mood, let me guess Kassandra text you this morning."

Skylar let out a girly giggle into her palm. Now she was in that phase where mentioning Kassandra's name made her giggle. She looked to Damon.

"Shut up !" throwing a nearby pillow at him as he laughed at her. She then marched away as Stefan muttered "Siblings."


Bonnie was casting a spell, and chanting in Latin. She tried to open the coffin, but it was still locked shut.

"Why won't you open?!" she yelled. he coffins disappear.

She heared the floorboards squeaking, there was someone else in the house.

"Hello? Someone there?" as Damon, Stefan and Skylar walked inside the house.

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