|| Do Not Go Gentle

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It was daytime. In the living room, Klaus was being creative, working on an abstract painting on an easel, Next to him was Kassandra who was playing a soft slow jazz piece on her trumpet, since Klaus ask her nicely to.

Klaus nodded his head as his's sister played, it was giving the two want Kassandra liked to call "Twin Time."

Klaus turned to Kassandra who was following her sheet music before giving her a soft smile in amusement of her talent, as Kassandra gave him one back pushing her hair back from her face since it was in a messy top knot.

That's when Rebekah entered.

"What took you so long ?" Klaus asked as Rebekah told him, "Alaric didn't want to hand over the stake." as she showed him the stake "Luckily I'm quite the charmer." as Klaus said "That's it ?"

"The last of the white oak stakes that can kill us. Do you want to do the honors or shall I?"

Klaus put the paintbrush down taking the stake from Rebekah, before he held it in front of Kassandra. Kassandra stopped playing and looked at him.

"The eldest get's the honors." he told her as Kassandra let her lips leave her mouthpiece before placing her trumpet carefully down as she waved her hand before saying "Incendia."

The stake started to burn before Kassandra lifted her head up as she moved her hand in order to throw it into the fireplace. The fire's around flickering in a reddish hue before going back to orange and calming down.

"Well that's that then." Rebekah said as Klaus said, "Pack your bags, we're leaving."

"Today ?" both sisters said at the same time. "Why not? There's nothing keeping us here. We'll grab the doppelgänger and be off by sunset."

"But tonight is the decade dance." Rebekah said as Klaus asked, "So ?" as Rebekah said, "So, I'm head of the committee, we have to go."

"I refuse Becky." Kassandra said playing with the valves on her trumpet. It was over a couple of years old, but Kassandra kept all her instruments in good shape.

Her trumpet was a rose gold type color and on the side she got her initials engraved, they were engraved all over the rest of her instruments.

"I'm not going to any dance." Klaus said as Kassandra was about to play a note before Rebekah told her, "You could ask Skylar to go with you." as she played a note out of tune.

Kassandra looked her up and down, knowing Skylar was a weakness for her when it came to anything she was going to do.

"Caroline will be there too." Rebekah then told Klaus. "That means nothing to me."

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