|| Catch Me If You Can

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Skylar had of course gone to school for her Ph.D. for becoming a doctor, but what she didn't know is she wasn't a bad therapist either.

Since the night Kassandra had come inside her room, she had taken care of her, even after all they had been through the previous nights before.

She let Kassandra shower to wash the blood away, she let her eat in her and her brother's kitchen and she let her sleep in her bed, of course, this time though Skylar was the one who slept on the air mattress.

And even now after they both had woke up, they didn't speak about the previous night, or they barely spoke to each other, just the causal lingering looks, their hands brushing by accident even if both of them knew it wasn't an accident, hoping the other would finally catch their arm and hold it close.

Currently, however, she had made her way to her room to grab some shoes to put on, she went because Kassandra last she had seen was in the kitchen eating cereal, but when she came into her bedroom the Original was laying on her bed, her hair straighten and the shoes she had put on, next to her bed, her feet covered by black low cut socks.

Kassandra turned to look at her, her face was bare and natural, Skylar took in a breath, "I-I'm sorry I didn't know you were in here, I'll come back another time-"

"No." Kassandra said sternly, Skylar turned to look back at her, "I-I mean, please don't go. I've grown to like your company, especially when I'm going through an episode."

Skylar sighed, making her way to her bed, Kassandra moved over so Skylar could sit down, she didn't face the tribrid all the way.

The two sat in a silence that lasted 30 minutes the only thing to be heard was when one of them shifted to become more comfortable, their breathes or a little cough, but no words came out.

"I just wanted to say thank you for letting me in you're house, you didn't have to do that, I'm thankful truly."

"You're welcome." Skylar said quietly. "U-Um, where are you're brothers?"

"Damon went out last night didn't say where and Stefan most likely still sleep." as Kassandra said, "Oh, ok." as Skylar brought up, "Where's Klaus?"

"Most likely scheming about the next plan on the cure, knowing him he hates waiting so he left me to "fix myself."

"What does that even mean?" she asked as Kassandra chuckled, "Honestly I don't even know because I don't know where to start." with a fake smile.

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