||The Story Of The Salvatore Family

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~Third Person POV

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~Third Person POV

On 1864 in Mystic Falls, Skylar Salvatore was born.
She was born right along side her older twin brother Stefan Salvatore. They were born to Lilian Salvatore and Giuseppe Salvatore, and the younger siblings to Damon Salvatore.

There family was happy most of the time other time it was h*ll living in their home with their abusive father who treasured Skylar and Stefan and resented Damon.

It was also noted that Skylar wasn't her mother's favorite and that rule belong to Stefan, but Skylar didn't let that effect her relationship with either of siblings she loved them and in return they loved one another back, sure they had their moments of not getting along but they were stick together with one another until The End.

Sooner or later they meet her. Katherine Pierce. And she was drawn to both of them. Skylar fell quickly in love with her, now both of her siblings new she was attract to women only and Katherine was able to help her fall quickly in love. Both it wasn't just her and Stefan that had feelings for Katherine it wasn't also Damon, but it was shown clearly she preferred Skylar and Stefan to the raven haired man.

But there was something special to Katherine she was a vampire a mystical creature that many people thought didn't exist, but they were real very real. When Skylar and Stefan both found out they were of course terrified. She had eyes like a demon and teeth as sharp as swords, but someone Katherine used something she called "Compulsion." to clam the two down and they forget everything about her being the creature she was.

Damon sooner found out to about what Katherine was and like his siblings fell under the same spell with her. There father Giuseppe Salvatore hated vampires along with every other family founder members.

And they made plan to get rid of the vampires once and for all, of course knowing that Katherine was a vampire they couldn't let him find out about Katherine, but there worst nightmare became a reality.

There father found out about Katherine and she ended up being captured and it was all Skylar fault even if she didn't mean for it to happen, Stefan of course though upset forgave his twin for her careless mistake, but Damon could not and after that they he never spoke to Skylar ever again.

They went to save her, Skylar's guilt getting the best of her and she promised to make it up to her older brother who she called her "hero." and her "black knight."

When they did they ended up being shot, all three Salvatore siblings died that night not expecting to open their eyes again. But that wasn't the case all siblings had been turned into the thing there father hated. Vampires. Skylar was horrified at first but when she let it sit inside her she felt like a thousand fire works had exploded inside of her. And she felt reborn.

Of course she had to get use to it, use to be being a vampire, but it changed her being out the worse in her almost. She was unable to control her lust for blood like her younger brother Stefan, she became a ripper, due to this and her fear of killing someone she loved most, She left.

She hadn't been to her hometown of Mystic Falls in 163 years and during those years she hadn't talk to her older brother nor her younger brother.

She tried to keep in contact with Stefan, but it didn't work out and she knew that Damon in his words "Didn't care if she lived or died." so she knew he didn't want nothing better to do with him.

But that changed when new's of her brother's in Mystic Falls got to her and all of the challenges they had been facing like with the new doppelganger Elena Gilbert, but the worse was soon to come with The Original Hybrid and Tribrid coming fast upon them and with that Skylar knew it was time to finally come home.....

But that changed when new's of her brother's in Mystic Falls got to her and all of the challenges they had been facing like with the new doppelganger Elena Gilbert, but the worse was soon to come with The Original Hybrid and Tribrid coming fast up...

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