|| The Sun Also Rises

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Damon and Skylar where sitting at the bar as Damon looked at the bite on his forearm and Skylar on her neck as Katherine stand over the two.

"So that's what a werewolf bite looks like" Katherine said as Skylar said "No kidding," as Damon said "Yep."

"It's not that bad." Katherine said as Damon said "Will be." as Damon standed up and rolled his sleeve down covering the bite as Skylar popped her collar up.

" So that's it? You're just...going to die?" as Skylar said "Don't know, you know a cure ?"

Katherine shaked her head as Damon said "Me neither."

Damon grabs his jacket off the couch and puts it on as Skylar put her blonde hair behind her ear.

"145 years and 171 and no last good-bye?" as Skylar said "You don't get one."

"Damon turns away from her and left. Skylar was getting her things ready as Katherine vamp speed in front of her. Skylar jolted. Katherine's hand then moved to Skylar's cheek.

" No. Don't leave mad." as Skylar said "I have every right to be mad at you."

"Us ending up on good terms isn't exactly on my bucket list, Katherine." as Skylar went to leave again before Katherine persisted her.

"Klaus made me call Jenna to lure her out. There was nothing that I could do. I didn't have a choice."

"That's why Damon gave you the vervain. So you had a choice." Skylar said.

" It was her or me. I chose her." Katherine said as Skylar gave a tiny laugh, "You are so selfish, still after all theses years."

Damon said " Damon helped you. You owed him. Now when Klaus and Kassandra dies, you're going to walk out of here without a scratch and Elena's aunt dies. Somehow you're the only one that wins. How'd that happen?"

"I didn't let love get in the way."

Katherine added "And you're one to talk, when is Skylar Salvatore going to learn to stop leaching off that stupid brand she puts on herself ? "Saint Salvatore", like your a perfect innocent angel that doesn't has a thousand years of blood on her hand."

Skylar rolled her eyes going to leave before Katherine ran her finger on Skylar's cheek as Skylar rose her eyes at her which is when they both locked lips. Skylar hadn't kissed a girl in a long time.

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