|| My Brother's Keeper

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It was morning. Stefan was in the woods doing pushups as well as talking on the phone to Caroline who was outside the Lockwood Mansion.

"What do you mean you're not coming? I don't need to remind you that your Miss Mystic Falls attendance record totally sucks."


Caroline was walking down the stairs with a clipboard and preparing for the pageant. Her phone was to her ear as she continued to talk to Stefan.

"Besides, you're a founding family member, by definition you have to be here." as she walked over to a table where Gabby was arranging some flowers.

Caroline grabbed the flowers from her hands and rearranged them to her satisfaction.

She walked away, when Stefan told her, "Elena and I broke up. By definition, I don't need to be anywhere."

"Did that sound as depressing to you as it did to me?" Caroline asked as Stefan told her, "Oh, I'm not depressed. I just want to rip into someone's artery and feed until I can't breathe anymore."


Stefan stopped doing pushups and lied down with his back against the ground. "Well, you can't. As your sober sponsor, I am not going to let that happen. Try and sublimate."

Stefan stared up at the sky in silence for a couple of moments. "She said she has feelings for Damon." he told Caroline.

Caroline looked shocked at the news. "What?! She can't have feelings for Damon! He's...Damon. And you're...you. And I'm – revolted. You know, I'm gonna talk to her. I'm going to shake some sense into her clearly diseased brain."

"Yeah, well I don't know what good that'll do. Elena's right, being a vampire really has changed her."

"All the more reason you need to cure her." as Stefan said, "You will have a Salvatore to be there though." as Caroline said, "If you say Damon." as Stefan said, "I was about to say Skylar."

"Sky's going, is she running ?" as Stefan said, "No of course not, Sky finds the pageant ridiculous, she's just helping you plan it."

"It's not ridiculous, it a event that helps lift young girl up, why would she think it's stupid ?" as Stefan said, "Well, when she was old enough, our mother ran her in, push her to limt, day and night, sometimes me or Damon didn't even see her at the dinner table because she was too busy training with our mother."

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