|| A View To A Kill

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Skylar wouldn't lie, yesterday felt like a blur too her.

All she remebered was getting a call from Damon about Klaus, then rushing out too help and then there was getting caught by Kol and after that it was darkness.

That was until she opened her eyes. 

She woke up to the bright sun beaming in her face from behind the curtains, she noticed she was laying on something comfortable before noticing it was a bed.

She also saw she was dressed in different clothings, she looked down to see she was wearing a cherry red satin dress and white fluffly socks.

She groaned to herself. I mean she was grateful that a bed was the place she woke up in and not a unfamilar place or some sort of dungeon, but her head was hurting, her mouth was dry and her muscles ached.

She shifted in bed only to sit up fully not without a wince before her eyes focused on the sunlight glaring from the curtains and blinds. She lifted herself up to her feet as she used the desk right next to her to hold herself steady.

She then carefully pulled back the curtain. Once she did, she noticed her skin began to burn as she grunted from the pain before conutined to stand still, she had no idea why she just stood there, she knew the sun would kill her but still she rested herself in the sunlight and shut her eyes.

She would have set herself on fire completely if not being threw back onto the bed.

She yelped as she hit the back of the pillows as she rose her eyes only to see Kassandra ontop of her holding her by her shoulders.

Skylar took in uneven breathes before looking back at Kassandra.

The Original Tribird was wearing a black lace top with a black blazer overneath with matching black dress pants, on her neck was layered silver chain, her hair was silked back, and her lips were highlighted with dark lip gloss, by the color and the scent Skylar could only think it was her Black Cherry. She matched the whole outfit off with black platform boots.

Skylar couldn't lie, but seeing Kassandra dressed like this maybe turned her on a bit along with the fact she was on top of her, her knee almost pressed to Skylar.

Kassandra took in deep uneven breathes before she said frantic, "Are you crazy?! You need to stop doing stupid shit like that! Or it will get you killed!"

Skylar looked to Kassandra still a bit disoriented, before Kassandra calmed herself down before she carefully placed a bit of Skylar's hair from her face tucking it safely behind her ear.

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