|| The Five

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❝1100 A

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1100 A.D.

In the middle of a forest, a witch was holding a cauldron of fire.

Five men stood around her in a circle with their swords touching the ground. The witch was performing a spell in Latin. She held the cauldron above her head and the fire was struck by a lightning bolt. She lowered the cauldron to the ground and poured the fire out.

The fire spread towards the sword blades and runs up them. The five men have the hunter's tattoo spreading up their arms and across their chest.

One of the men raised his sword and the symbol which Connor had carved into his stakes is seen on the blade.


Stefan is examining the hunter's mark on a wooden stake. Damon enters the room with some boxes on his shoulder.

"So what is all this?" Stefan said as Damon said, "Some personal items that I snaked from the vampire hunter's RV. May he rest in peace. I'm searching for a supernatural handbook."

"And you know for a fact that he was supernatural?" Damon said to hold.

"Definitely wasn't natural. The guy magically appeared just as someone blows up the entire Founders Council. He's covered in a tattoo that only Jeremy Gilbert, of all people in the world - seems to be able to see. Klaus mentioned something about him being one of The Five.

"Then he kamikazes himself with explosives. Sound natural to you?" as Skylar came into the room. "It's absolutely is not natural." she was wearing a white t-shirt with blue ripped jeans and some shoes.

"What's The Five?" Stefan said

"That's what I'm hoping is in the first chapter of the handbook." Damon said as the phone ringed and he picked it up. It was Sheriff Forbes. "Liz Forbes, my favorite sheriff." as he looked worried  "What? That's...concerning. Keep me posted." as he hanged up.

"What? You're not gonna tell me?" as Skylar said, "Are we still doing this, seriously ?" Skylar said.

"Can't tell you. Private. We're in a fight." Damon said to Stefan as Skylar groaned. "You're in a fight. I'm not in a fight, I'm over it, I've been over it." Stefan said.

"Not still mad at me about Elena?" as Skylar titled her head at Stefan waiting for his answer.

"You let her feed on you. I'm always gonna be mad at you but we're not in a fight." as Skylar smiled. "Thank god."

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