|| The Ties That Bind

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Bonnie was walking through a cemetery. She passes a gravestone reading "Sheila Bennett Beloved Grandmother", then one reading "Amelia Bennett.

She was well esteemed and loyal to all who knew her." then another reading "The memory of Ernestine Bennett. Rest in peace." She saw a coffin sitting above ground and placed her hand on it. Klaus and Kassandra appeared behind her, and she turned around to face them.

"I figured out how to open it. Can you?" Klaus asked Bonnie.

Kassandra rushed towards Bonnie and bite her. Bonnie woke up in the coffin. She used her cell phone's screen to illuminate the inside of the coffin.

She screamed for help and bangs on the coffin.

"Let me out! Please! Oh my god, oh my god! Fes patrus tribum, melan veras, et vasa quisa, exu quisa!"

She banged furiously on the coffin. She heared footsteps outside the coffin.

"Hey! I'm in here! I'm in here! I'm in here!" as a woman opened the coffin.


Bonnie and Elena were standing in front of the coffins.

"I've been having these dreams for days now. It's like the witches are trying to send me a message."

" I just can't believe that you guys kept this from me this whole time." as Bonnie said "Stefan thought, if you knew where the coffins were, Klaus and Kassandra could threaten people to get the information out of you."

"Plus we couldn't risk it." Skylar said joining the two, her hair was styled with a elegant headband as Skylar said "Sorry for lying to you Elena."

"It's alright Sky." as Skylar gave a tiny smile to her.

"So, these are the rest of there family?" Elena asked.

"Yeah. Elijah. Kassandra and two others. This one...is the one we can't open. We don't know who is in it, or whats in it, only that I think my dream's telling me it'll help us kill Klaus and Kassandra."

Stefan entered. "What the hell are you doing?" as Bonnie said "I needed her to know about the coffin."

"And I needed you to keep her out of it, Bonnie."

"So what are you gonna do, Stefan? Are you gonna kidnap me, so that I won't tell anyone?" as Stefan said "Don't tempt me, Elena." as Skylar spoke up "Okay Romeo and Juliet knock it off, we have stuff to do."

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