|| The Departed

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Elena's radio alarm clock went off at 6:45 in the morning. She turned up the music and got out of bed. She pulled her hair up into a ponytail and danced a bit in front of the mirror. She grabbed her pom poms and threw them onto the window seat where her cheerleader uniform was laid out. After changing into her uniform, Elena walked downstairs and into the kitchen where Aunt Jenna was making coffee.

"Hey." she told her as Elena said, "Jeremy locked himself in the bathroom again. Does he think we don't know what he's doing in there?"

"He's fourteen. They don't think." Jenna said as Elena went to grab the coffee pot but Jenna took it from her, "Hey! You'll get me in trouble."

Miranda then walked into the room. "Good morning." she told her as Elena said, "Morning, mom." as Miranda kissed her on the cheek.


Elena woke up in a hospital bed at night and looked around. Later when she was asleep, Meredith and Jeremy where outside her room, observing her.

"She's gonna be fine. She got a little banged up today, hit her head, but it was just a slight concussion, nothing to worry about." Meredith told her as Jeremy said, " But she collapsed, there was blood."

"Honestly, Jeremy, she's okay. She's just...she's been through a lot. Is there anyone you want to call?"


Damon, Skylar and Stefan where driving towards the Atlantic to dump Klaus' body. Jeremy had called them from the hospital.

"You did what ?" Damon asked as Jeremy said, "I took her to the hospital. When you find your sister unconscious, you call 911." as Damon said, "Not when you have a parade of vampires at your disposal!"

Skylar took her headphones off when she heard Damon's voice get higher. "What's wrong ?" she asked.

"Every remaining Original is gonna want Elena dead to stop Alaric. She's a sitting duck in there." as Jeremy said, "Well, Meredith wants to keep her here for observation." as Damon said, "Jeremy, get Elena home, we're on our way."

Damon then hanged up on him as Damon added, "Have I told you lately how much I appreciate you two not being the dumbest brother and sister on Earth?"

Skylar said, "Consider me thanked." as Stefan said, "You know one of us needs to keep moving, right? If Klaus really is the sire of our bloodline, we need to keep his body hidden before Alaric finds him, kills him, and we all end up dead."

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