|| Bringing Out The Dead

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Elijah was standing before Klaus and Kassandra, wiping the blood off his hands with a white handkerchief after killing Daniel.

"You look surprised to see me. So it wasn't you that removed the dagger from my chest?"

"You look like you could do with a drink. And we have a lot to discuss, so shall we?" Elijah attacked him and Klaus flew through a window.

"Easy. I just finished renovating."

Kassandra stood there sipping her wine as she looked at her brothers horse playing.

"This never get's old." she said as she leaned against the door.

Klaus rushed at Elijah and Elijah crashed into a table, breaking it.

"You know you have every right to be mad at me. But I kept my word, I reunited you with our family."

Elijah attacked him again, and Klaus was knocked against a coffin. He opened the one next to it, undaggering Kol who was lying inside, rushed to Elijah and held him against a closed coffin by his throat. He held the dagger up threateningly.

"Don't make me do this to you again Elijah!"

"Come on. Use it. I dare you. You'll have Kol to deal with." as Kassandra put her wine done "Now I step in." as she threw her wine onto the ground before saying "Incendia"

The fire spread fast, before making a fiery line between both Klaus and Elijah. Kassandra walked towards them.

"I don't have the strength nor the time, nor the want to deal with you too. So Klaus lower down the dagger, better yet-" as she held her hand out as the dagger went into her hands.

"There, now you've gotten your toy taken away. Now can we stop this and act like adults ?"

Klaus looked at Kassandra as Kassandra titled her head at him. Elijah stood still and so did Klaus.

"Thank you." as she waved her hand making the fire go out.

Klaus then said "Mikael is dead."

Elijah stood up and looked at him surprised. "It's true Elijah." Kassandra said.

"What did you say?"

"I killed him. With his own weapon. He's gone Elijah. Forever."

"Why do our family remain in these coffins? Finn for over 900 years, Kol for over a century."

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