|| Before Sunset

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It was around 6AM. Kassandra laid on her back on the floor of Skylar's room, Skylar had placed down a pillow for her to lay her head down on, a blow up mattress for her to sleep on and a extra blue blanket for her to sleep with.

She was right next to the air vent, so she really needed the blanket. Kassandra was wide awake too, since last night she couldn't sleep. Klaus was the only thing going through her head.

She sighed before she sat up on her knees to see Skylar laying comfortable asleep in her covers, her blonde hair spread out over her light blue sleep pillows.

Kassandra narrowed her eyes, she felt like a child, wanting that attention from the sleeping Salvatore, so she did what any child would.

She walked over to the end of Skylar's bed before going under the blankets popping her head up at the top as she blew her hair from her face.

She glanced to make sure Skylar was still asleep before she face Skylar's way, she smiled at her, she looked at peace when sleeping.

Skylar then lifted her arms out in her sleep before she felt for Kassandra in bed, once she did she went over to her and cuddle, her like a hug bug. Kassandra blushed red and let the Salvatore cuddle with her.

She buried her face in her pillow before falling asleep through Skylar's warm embrace.


It was later in the morning. Alaric was sitting alone at his desk in his classroom, his feet propped up on the desk. He twirled the white oak stake in his hands and took his feet off the desk. He leans forward and looked at the stake.

He turned to look out the door. He heard Caroline entering the school.

Caroline was on the phone with Tyler as she walked through the hallway. "What do you mean you're ditching my clean up committee?" as Tyler said on the other line, currently he was at Klaus's Mansion.

"Klaus called. He's leaving town and wants me to pack up his house."

"Well, since when does sire bond equal mover slave?" Caroline ask as Tyler said, "Since he realized you're not gonna dump me for him." as Caroline said, "Ugh, he's being petty."

"And he still thinks I'm sired to him. It's fine, I'll keep up the act and it will all be over soon. I'm late, I gotta go. I love you." Tyler told her.

"I love you too." Caroline told him. Caroline hung up. She heared a noise and turned around. Behind her, Alaric rushed past. Caroline turned back around.

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