|| Murder of One

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It was morning. Elena walked up the stairs carrying breakfast for Alaric. She knocked on his door and Damon answered it.

"Morning sunshine." as Elena said "Hey, how's Alaric?"

Elena moved to enter the apartment, but Damon closed the door slightly to block her way.

"Indecent, but fine." as Elena said "So then, does that mean there were no issues last night?"

"Nope. Slept like a baby, woke up Alaric. No head minds about dead Council members."

"Then why do I feel like you're hiding something from me?"

"Well, maybe because you're being all paranoid and control freaky. What'd you bring me?" Damon took the bag and sniffed it.

"Ooo, chocolate muffins. You know what they say; a way to a psycho killer's heart is through his stomach."

Elena took the bag back from him. "They're not for you."

"Fine. Keep convincing yourself you're still mad at me. But sadly, Ric's gonna have to miss Elena time today. You know lockdown and all."

"Just take it and give it to him and tell him that I miss him, okay" as Damon said "With pleasure." as Elena said "Okay."

Damon started to shut the door on her as he told her "Have a great day, thanks for coming by." as Elena said "Dam..."

Damon closes the door and walks over to Ric and Stefan who are standing by a miter saw with the Wickery Bridge sign. He listened to Elena leaving.

"Walking down the stairs, opening the front door, and she's gone."

Alaric turned the saw on and lowered the saw and began to cut the sign. Later, Damon, Alaric, and Stefan were creating stakes from the Wickery Bridge sign. Stefan looked at one of the staked.

"This needs to have a sharper point." Stefan told Damon.

He handed the stake to Damon. "I got it." Damon told him

"We finally have our own stakes to kill an Original. I'm not gonna miss because you can't whittle." as Damon told him "I said I got it. Stop micromanaging."

Damon sharped the point of the stake. Alaric put his jacket on.

"Looks like you guys have got this under control. I'm gonna call the Sheriff."

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