|| The Killer

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Connor entered his trailer. He places Nate's head, which was wrapped in a bloody sheet, on a table.


"Do you have any idea what I've been through? I've spent the last two days chained up by an Original vampire." Connor exclaimed to Shane as Shane told him, "So, you met Klaus? I only know him by reputation. Apparently he's a real monster." he said

Connor replied to him, "He's a vampire-werewolf hybrid. Do you know how hard it is to kill them?" as he said, "From what I gather, you have to remove their head or their heart. That is according to lore. I'm just speculating."

"I had to figure out how to do it on my own." he said to them as Connor told said, "Also come to my surprise, their's his sister." as Shane rose his eyes at him before smirking adding, "The Tribrid."

"Three supernatural species, come on even you now that impossible." as Shane said, "It should be, but the world thought it needed to balance it's self out, by creating a unstoppable force. A witch. A werewolf and a vampire, in the form of Original Kassandra Mikaelson."

"How do I kill her ?" he asked as Shane laughed, "You can't, Kassandra doesn't know it, but the White Oak can't kill her, it only weakens her, even if she is a Original, their's no weapon made yet that's capable of destroying her."

"I'll find it." Connor said.


Connor stuck a needle into Nate's gums. He began to take out some of his werewolf venom.


"I could have used some of this occult Professor knowledge of yours. Then again, you've always been slow when it comes to providing answers." Connor said to him.

"We had a deal. I'll give you answers about your hunter's mark when its grown to completion." as Connor replied back, "In other words, kill as many vampires as possible."

"Come on Connor, why do you think I sent you to Mystic Falls."


Connor opened up a cupboard. He gathered some weapons and placed them in a duffel bag.


"There's no shortage of vampires. That town is practically infested." as he gave a pauses briefly "Listen, there's a witch mixed up in all of this. She's important to what I have planned. I want her to be kept out of harm's way."

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