Um, hi ;(

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So, Im really sorry, but I'm officially discontinuing this story. I'm sorry for just posting one chapter after my very long hiatus, and then disappearing before announcing this, but it needed to be done. I realized that I really can't juggle 2 stories and post as consistently as I want to. If you didn't know, I have another story on Wattpad, called "Gain my trust". I actually have a clear storyline for that story, but for this one, Ive been becoming nore and more lost for ideas and plots. The hiatus I took made me completely lose all my plots, and when I came back with more refined writing skills and a better sense of normal logic, I realized that it is way harder to continue this story. It has too many holes, and was poorly written. I unnecessarily made Izuku overpowered with too many quirks, and trying to imply that into a plot is extremely difficult. Also, I recently went for a writing skills workshop, and there, I learnt that if you don't like a story, don't force yourself to continue writing, or else, not only are you wasting energy on trying to conjure up plots, you are also wasting time. This story is a lost cause and I genuinely cannot deal with it anymore. I'll be focusing alot on my other story, so you can go over to read it. It is a vigilante deku story, and I have many ideas for the story, so it wont be as antagonising to write as this one. Alright then, bye guys! Thanks for all the support on this story, and if you ever want to adopt it, you can pm me for permission. Its been a weird journey for this story

Signing off,
Your friendly neighbourhood weirdo

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