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On the 2nd month after Izuku's arrival

Izuku's POV

I jolted awake, bed wet from my own sweat. I sighed and look at the time. " 3.37am. Why won't the nightmares just stop," I thought to myself. I got out of bed and got ready. Dad was taking me and Shin training today. I put on a simple white shirt and blue jean shorts. I then snuck out to the front porch to get some fresh air. I stayed there for a while before going back in because I knew Dad was coming back soon. I didn't feel like playing with the cats today, so I went to the music room. I took a ukelele because I was still too small to carry a guitar. I was self taught and I even made my own song. I sang to it while strumming the ukelele. After a while, I heard the front door open and knew it was Dad. I also knew he needed sleep so I put the ukelele back. I didn't want him to know I was awake, but, I heard him open my room door before starting to call my name softly. I made my way out of the music room and snuck up behind him. I then hugged him from behind and said," Go to sleep, Dad. I'll be fine." I saw him smile even in the dark. He planted a kiss on my hair and went to his room. 

I went downstairs and wanted to do something productive, so I decide to make breakfast. I made toast and peanut butter, with a butter knife this time. I poured myself some milk and went to eat in the living room. I looked at the time and it read 6.16 am. I have exactly 44 minutes before everyone wakes up. I went to put the dishes in the sink and called the cats. I then went into my neko state and started talking to them. " Hey, Izu! How are ya?" Shozi asked me." Fine. It's just- the nightmares are never ending. I wonder when i'll get actual sleep. It's weird that I still don't have dark circles under my eyes, consedring the amount of time I sleep for," I replied. " I'm sure you'll outgrow them sooner or later," Oreo said. I sigh and we decided to play to keep my mind off. 

We chased each other and went to catch some mice in the house, although we let them go after. I was so busy playing I didn't hear the set of feet coming down the stairs. " Bri! You stole my catch!" I yelled and she meowed back while sticking her toungue out. With that, I jumped on top of her and we both topple over. All of us starting giggle. " Izu?" I heard Shin say. I got off Bri and looked at them with a smile. "Yes~" I said. Dad and Papa looked like they were dying and Shin chuckled. " You're so cuuuuute!!" Papa squealed, picking me up and squeezing  me. I giggled and tell him to stop. He finally put me down when Dad told him to. " Oh yeah, you don't have to make breakfast for me. I made myself toast with peanut butter and milkabout an hour ago." I said. They all looked at me shocked. " I was bored. I didn't hurt myself this time tho!" I said, smiling before going to my room. 

-Later, at the park-

" Since you two are still young, specifically you, Izu, I won't be going so hard on you. I want you two to run to the end of the park, without your quirks, understand?" Dad instructed. Me and Shin nodded and got ready to start. I ran as fast as I could but Shin was faster. I was really determined to win and ran with all my might. I overtook him and reached there first. " Woah, you're really fast, aren't cha?" he said, panting. I smiled, listening to my fast heartbeat and regaining my breath. We then trotted back to Dad. We did other things like a few push ups, sit ups and crunches. Dad wanted us to work on our physical strength without our quirks. I understood because we can't always depend on our quirks. We went to the open field and practise on close combat. Me and Shin fought close combat, but he ended up winning because he's older and stronger than me. Dad didn't want us to use weapons yet so we just focused on punches and kicks. 

" You two are fast when it comes to close combat, but your hits are not aimed accurately. I want you guys to work on that tomorrow. I'll bring along the dummies for you to practise with. Let's go home. It's already 2pm." he said. Woah, I didnt even realize the time. We've been training for 6 hours. I nod and we head back home. We were in the car when something felt wrong. Suddenly, my cat senses were acting up and it told me to get the car to stop. " DAD! STOP THE CAR!!! NOW!" I yelled. Him and Shinso were shocked and he stopped the car. 2 seconds later, a car zoomed pass us and crashed with another car. I release a breath I didn't know I was holding, but instantly ran out of the car. I ran to the car crash site and ran to the victims. They were pretty twisted up, but still breathing. I needed to save them. I removed the debris on them and did my best to heal them. There was a kid who looked around the same age as me and his mother. The other car had a villain I recognise. I used strong roots to secure him before healing him too. I felt pain everywhere in my body. I groaned and got up. I spotted Dad and Shin and went to them. I fell onto Dad's hands, breathing hard. "Let's get out of here before the media comes," I said weakly. He nodded and carried me to the car. We made our way back home.

" Thanks, Izu. If you weren't here, we would have gotten hit by that villain." Dad said. " It's fine. I wouldn't want to see you guys hurt at all." I said. We arrived home and Dad instantly put me on the couch. I fell asleep after 2 minutes, body still aching.

Hizashi's POV

I saw Shota carrying Izuku. He looked vey pale, which scared me. " What happened," I ask after Izu fell asleep. "He sensed something and managed to stop us from getting involved in a car crash with some villains. He then went to heal everyone, including the villain. He's just really exhausted and achey from the healing. He really will make a good hero." Sho said. I was shocked at this but very thankful they weren't hurt. This child really is precious.

Author's note

Thanks for reading this, my fellow weirdos. Hope you enjoy, although this chapter wasn't really that interesting. I just realize how Izuku acts like a 15 year old and not a 5 year old. Lmao. I really hope the next chapter will be more interesting. This stry consists of 1148 words. Have a good day or night. ~Your friendly neighbourhood weirdo

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