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(So, I realized I made a mistake and to fix it, I would need to make a few changes. So, to start off, in my AU, Izuku is a year younger than class 1A. This would make him 14 when he joins UA. I know the age you're supposed to go to high school is 15 or 16, but that will later be explained in the story. This would make Katsuki a year older than Izu IN MY AU ONLY, and therefore, Jiro was 4 when Katsuki first introduced her to Izu. All 4 of Izuku's friends were supposed to enter UA earlier than him, but shit happens and they all enter at the same time. This would also make Shinso 16 when he entered UA with 14-year-old Izu. Ok, read on as our precious cinnamon roll finally gets saved :D)

Izuku's POV

"Hhahahahahah, your fathers probably had enough your sorry ass. You're gonna get thrown out. You know why? Because you are broken, and you know what everyone does with broken things? They throw them away!! Hahahaha!!" the voice in my head said. My anxiety levels went higher and higher as I reached closer to the bottom of the stairs. At the bottom, I ended up falling. I started hyperventilating. "Nonono, they won't kick you out. They won't!!" I muttered under my breath. I felt like I was drowning. I could hear muffled shouting. I was engulfed into a hug and looked up with tears. My brother was holding me and saying things. I decided to try my bst to focus on his voice and what he was saying.

Shinso's POV

I took my time to exit my room when I heard Dad calling. I casually walked down the stairs, only to find my little brother having a panic attack at the bottom of it. I quickly shouted his name and picked him up into a hug. "Izu, I need you to listen to my voice,"I say once he finally looked up at me. "Breathe in and out. Continue and do not stop." He obliged to this and eventually his breathing went back to normal. "Thanks, Shin" he says. I hummed as I helped him stand up. We both then walked into the living room to find our Dads looking at us weirdly.

"When were you gonna tell us you were famous?" Dad said. Me and Izuku's eyes widened. How did he find out, though? "Er, we don't know?" I said. "How did you guys even find out? We managed to kept it a secret for 5 years." Izu said, and I hit him on the head for it. "YOU'VE BEEN DOING IT FOR 5 YEARS??!?!?!" Papa yelled. "Yesss" I say, rubbing the back of my neck. I then proceeded to glare at Izuku who just smiled back. "Nemuri just told us. She happened to be scrolling when she found one of your videos. Next time you choose to do something that will make you famous, could you at least tell us," Dad said with a sigh. "Ok, but me and Izuku have something for you," I say, before me and Izuku headed to our room. We came down with two bags and plopped them in front of our parents. "This is the money we earned. We both agreed if you guys found out, we would gve the money to you guys since you both deserve it more than us," I said. They both looked really surprised seeing the huge bags filled with money. "W-w-well, we don't really need it, but thank you for being considerate," Papa say.

~Time skip to a year later brought to you by my sorry ass watching Peppa pig~

Nothing stopped. Nothing got better. The nightmares. The bullying. The voices. One year. That was all it took for me to break. I started wearing long sleeves all the time to cover up bruises. And I had to wear a mask too. I told Dad and Papa it was just a really cool style I wanted to try for the time being. I was really numb. 

Waking up, getting ready for another day of literal Hell. Another horrible nightmare. You would think, after so long, I would get used to it, but I never did. The nightmares are so much worse. They are actually nightmares... Not just memories. Things I never want to see happening. And I absolutely hate it. I wait downstairs for everyone to wake up, as usual. The same things happen everyday, so there's nothing actually knew. I went over to the kitchen to get something to drink. I then stumbled and cut myself on the sharp counter edge. It felt... Good. Then, I thought of something. If I feel pain, that would make me still human. So, maybe if I," I think to myself, then, picking up a knife. I roll up my sleeve and plave the knife on my wrist. I then slide it across my pale skin. It felt so nice. I continue and did about 30 before moving on to the next arm, where I did 27. I keep the knife and clean up the blood. I go to the toilet on the 1st floor and wash my wound. I then open the cabinet and take out some bandages. After bandaging myself, I went back to the sofa and continued srolling through my phone. 

Then my day went on like usual. I eat breakfast, go to school, puke it out before class, get bullied, go back home and stay in my room till afternoon, when me and Shin go out to do our job. That's basically my life in one sentence, besides the new thing I'm adding to my life. Cutting.

~Time skip to the last week of school for that year brought to you by me and my cousins fighting~

It's a monday night. I decided to go up to the rooftop to relax for a bit. I decided to sing. Probably shouldn't have done it tho.

Shinso's POV

I was still awake. I then heard Izu's window open and someoe climbing up from the rooftop. Maybe I should listen. I opened my window slightly. I then heard him mumble something about singing. I love when Izuku sings so I decide to film it. 

Twinkle twinkle in the sky, I just want to fucking die, slit my wrist and end this pain, put a bullet in my brain. Twinkle twinkle little star, I hope I get hit by a car.

I dropped my phone as I feel my eyes weld up in tears. I then heard him transforming and flying away. I open my window fully. 


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