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( I wanna emphasize how the accident occured during the holidays. )

Izuku's POV

Upon hearing my voice, everyone turned towards me. The turn was so sudden, I pushed myself out of the hug and backed into the wall, muttering an oof. I put pressure on my wound because it started hurting, like alot. "Izuku?! What are you doing here?! You're supposed to be healing!" Auntie Emi yelled worriedly. "Just wanted to see if you guys are okay. Anyways, the pain isn't anything I can't handle!" I said cheerfully. "IZU!!" Shin cried, running towards me and engulfing into a hug. The wound hurt like hell, but I just continued hugging him back. "Let's get you back into the bed." Papa said quietly. I didn't like Papa when he was quiet. It meant he was sad, and I don't want him to be sad.

They escorted me to the bed and told me I needed to use the medicine on the IV stand. "N-n-no..." I said. "It makes me feel like an experiment again," I mumbled looking at my hands. "Hey, I'm sorry, but you really need it. Please, we can't lose you," Papa said, tears filling his eyes. "Ok! Don't cry though," I said quickly. He smiled and Dad pricked the needle which was linked to the medicine on the IV stand back in my hand. With it in my hand, it made me feel anxious. I looked around the room, trying to find something to distract me from the needle. I saw Shinso with tears and I locked our eyes together. I gestured him onto my bed and cooed him to sleep. After he went to sleep, I looked up to face everyone. 

Aizawa's POV

"I'm sorry you had to see those nightmares. I initially didn't want you all to do it, but Aunt Ichika convinced me. I know my memories are not a pretty sight and I hope you never have to see what you saw ever again. But... I want you to smile now. And I want it to be real. The one thing that's worst than not smiling is fake smiling. Just remember how those things you saw were in the past. They aren't worth remembering," he said, calmly. I smiled at his wiseness. I find the most amusing thing about him is the fact that when the situation is serious, he'll act mature. Otherwise, he would act like a kid his age. I looked around as I see everyone smile at him.

"So~ When am I able to return home?" he asked, tilting his head, making him look like a puppy. "We don't know yet, little listener. Ever since you woke up, we haven't called in anyone yet, so no doctor or nurse knows your awake," Zashi explained, and the little boy just nod. Hizashi looked at Toshinori and understood this as a message to leave and find the doctor. After he left, Izuku stroked with Shinso's hair. My heart felt so full seeing him caring for his brother so much, even if he was the one was more hurt than Shinso was. "I'm back." Toshi announced as he walked through the door with a doctor. The doctor ran some tests on Izuku and said he can go home tomorrow. Me,Zashi and Shinso stayed with him while the others had work to do. Sadly, since the hospital's viting hours were ending, and the doctor didn't give us a chance to stay this time, we had to leave. I honestly hated that night. I went for my shift and came back. I went around the house looking for Izuku, forgetting he was in the hospital. Only after 20 minutes of searching, I came to realize he was still at the hospital. "I don't know if I can sleep. Usually, he would be awake to greet me and tell me to go to sleep, but without him here, it feels, weird..." I muble to myself while making my way up the stairs. I really couldn't wait to get him back into the house.

The next morning

I basically slept for an hour before my own mind woke me up. First, I was confused why, but after realizing how quiet it was in the house, I realized why. It was 6 am, and usually, Izuku would be awake to keep me company. I felt really lonely without anyone accompanying me through my morning. Something I learnt about Izuku is that he is basically a mixture of Hizashi and me. He is really positive and bubbly. Sometimes he's loud, but not as loud as my cockatoo. He also has insomnia due to his nightmares and gets only 1-3 hours of sleep and he is really mature when appropriate. Without his presence, I felt somewhat empty. I decided to play with the cats like he always did. The only difference was that he could understand them but I couldn't. It was still quite amusing watching them play, but it also seemed as though they were looking for someone while playing. I assumed the person was Izuku, due to his closeness with the four-legged animals. After an hour, I went to Hizashi and practically shooked him awake.

Hizashi's POV

I was surprisingly woken up by Shota. Usually, it would be the opposite way. He seemed desperate to get up and going for something. Only when he mentioned Izuku, I shot up from my sleepy state and went to get ready. By the time I finished getting ready, my two usually sleepy insomnians were waiting for me, wide awake, ready to fetch the ball of sunshine that had been dearly missed, even if it had been less than 24 hours since we last saw him.

Izuku's POV

I woke up way later than usual. I went to bed at midnight and woke up at 5. Can you believe it?! Actually, now that I think about it, they probably put a sleeping pill in my food or something. I still woke up to a nightmare, unfortunately. I then got up from bed and walked out of my room, the IV stand trailing behind me. I walked around, passing many doctors and patients. I really wished I could go and help some of them heal, but I'm in no condition to heal. Why couldn't my quirk just include self healing. Probably because life didn't want me to be too OP. 2 hours after I woke up, I realized there was commotion at my room. As I came nearer to the room, I could hear voices saying," WHERE IS HE?!?" "We a-a-aren't quite sure Eraser." I entered the room and said, " Dad?" while tilting my head. My dads and Shin turned their heads to me and ran towards me. Before I knew it, I was engulfed into a hug. Dad passed me close which I changed into. Nothing too much, just a green flannel and black shorts. Papa then said in a happy voice, " C'mon Hunny! Let's gooo hooomeeee" I smiled as we headed out of the hospital, hand in hand with my Dads.

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