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Hizashi's POV

We reached the hospital and hurried to Izuku's room. Yes, the hospital did reserve a room for Izuku personally. We requested it since it seemed like Izuku is very prone to danger. (InSeRt SiGh). After a few minutes, Toshinori and Nemuri finally arrived. We wait a little longer and finally, the nurse came out to say he's fine and we could go see him.

We walk into the room to see him grinning at us, sitting up. "I've been expecting you," he says in a funny and raspy voice. I see Shinso beside me chuckling and Sho rolling his eyes. Nemuri grinned and Toshinori shook his head. "How are you feeling?" I say. He smiles at me and says, "Just peachy." We sit in a comfortable silence before Izuku started speaking again. "You know, the nurse, she told me that since I keep coming here, I might as well start living here. She said that she would more than happy like to be my mom. I was wondering if I should take up her offer," he says jokingly, grinning.

 I grinned back and say," Sure, it would make it easier to not have to come here everytime you choose to be in the middle of danger. But, you still have to visit us though," I say, causing Sho to roll his eyes. "But what about us? What about me? Dear brother, are you really gonna abandon us like this," Shin says dramatically, clutching his heart, nose high in air with his other free hand placed on his forehead. Nemuri and Izuku giggled while me, Sho and Toshinori chuckle. 

"I'm sorry lovely brother, it must be this way," Izuku says, copying his brothers stance. They went back and forth, until Izuku broke it. "So, on a more serious note, the doctors are predicting that my left hand wrist down cannot be used for a few months. Didn't say how many, though. So, I may not be able to train for a while, and we all know the entrance exams are coming up. How am I supposed to train without my left hand? Or maybe I should just wait for the year after next year? There's no use in trying for an exam that I am obviously not capable to take," Izuku says in an obviously disappointed tone, though it did sound like he was trying his best to hide it. 

"Izuku Yamada-Aizawa! You are definitely capable of taking the exam. Do not speak of yourself like that ever again! You only have a broken hand, that does not mean you can't do it. I believe in you and I'm very certain everyone else does too," I say. He looks shock at first, but after a few seconds, he smiles and nods. "When are you gonna be discharged?" Nemuri asks Izuku, stepping forward to ruffle his hair. "Should be soon, they don't want to hog me up in here even though they love me being here," Izuku says teasingly again. Shota let out a desperate sigh, probably done with us. I let out a giggle and Shinso smirks. Toshinori facepalmed and Nemuri let out a loud laugh. "Never get's old, does it?" Nemuri says, still grinning at my son. "Well then, let's just hang out for now," she says.

Time skip to a month later~

(This was the last time I worked on this story, from this point on, it will be based on my current writing style and current knowledge. I wanna inform you all that I will start calling Shinso by his given name, Hitoshi. Once more, the explanation as to why I did not in the first place is that I had really little knowledge on how the Japanese names, or concepts in general, worked. So, after taking a hiatus and watching and researching on animes, I now have a better view on this.)

Izuku's POV

Since it was advised by my doctors before I was discharged to not do too many strenuous activities whilst my hand was undergoing the recovery process, I decided to assist my friends in their training. I was emphasizing a lot on their quirks, even going as far as experimenting with objects and concepts similar to their quirks. 

This was how most trainings worked:

Tenya: As someone part of the Iida family, it was expected that he would inherent the quirk that had been passed down for many generations. The quirk was Engine. This quirk causes them to have engine-like calves, which typically increases speed tremendously. The quirk works similar to how a normal engine found in cars work. They need fuel to work, and in the Iida family's case, it is orange juice that provides them with energy to convert into running speed. This can help with defences quite a lot, as they can easily out run a dangerous enemy, if the enemies quirk does not contradict their own. The quirk also gives them an dangerously strong kicking force. The quirk, as Tenya had told me, also had a secret to it. The quirk could be enhanced through the removal of the exhaust pipes from the body, which incurs an extreme amount of pain, and then training hard. The process requires patience and perseverance, but new and more powerful pipes will grow in, giving them the ability to run at a higher speed for much longer time. This would help Tenya quite a lot, but in my opinion, it is far too early to execute this plan. I know Tenya will be able to handle it, but he needs to be more mature and think smarter and more independently. Thus, I worked and played with a couple of formulas and realized that there is a way to increase the power to their speed. To avoid any internal modifications, it should be habits changed. The easiest way to explain is that the answer to a little more speed and power lies in posture and balance. If Tenya could make the tiniest change to where he puts his weight and when to power up his engine, it could make a huge difference to the power he exerts. So, I gave him a whole training regiment to strictly follow to manage this.

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