~Old friends~

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Aizawa's POV

I look at the two boys, shocked at the names that they had brought up. Truth is, Squid and Chicken were my friends since nursery. We all eventually made it to UA and every teacher in the teachers lounge were in the same class as them. Everyone was so close to the duo. The two never allowed anyone to feel left out. I honestly missed them so much. " H-h-how d-d-do y-y-ou kn-ow t-t-them?" I stammered. " He took a deep breath, took Shin's hand and walked towards the table we were having our meeting. We were wrapping up our meeting, so it wasn't a big problem that we were so focused on this. Even Nezu was interested in this as he was our principle and was very close to the two. 

Shin and Izu then settled at one spot on the meeting table. Everyone moved to give them space. They then place an empty piece of paper infront of us. We all stare at it, confused. " I know you don't see anything on that piece of paper, but we do. In order for you guys to know what's on that paper, I need everyone to place both your hands on the table." Shinso said and we obliged.  Izu and Shin then started saying words that none of us could understand. Suddenly, the paper slowly revealed a photo. We were all shocked at this. " Look at the this two," he said pointing to two familiar female faces and continued," and look at us. We did as they said. Suddenly, we could see the resemblence. Everyone gasps. " They were your mothers?" Uncle Snipe whispered. They both nodded. " You see, my mommy's name was Inko, which can be changed into Ink. Ink came from squids and Mommy was always fascinated in squids, there, nicknaming herself Squid." Izu explained. " And my mommy's name was Ichika, which can be shortened into Chika. Mommy was best friends with Izuku's mommy so she wanted an animal nickname too, therefore, nicknaming herself as, Chicken." Shinso explained. 

It took us a while to take in this new information. " So, they're dead?" Ryo( Hound dog) said. The two broke eye contact with us and looked in different directions, obviously not wanting to answer this. That action just confirmed the fact that the two brightest girls of our ex class was gone. Then, we all realise who's fault it was. " That bastard didn't just abuse their kids.... He killed my childhood friends too!" I said, seething with anger. The two kids quickly backed up. " I'm sorry!! I tried to keep her happy, but I couldn't!! I'm sorry I failed her!" Shinso said while, at the same time, Izu said, " I'm sorry I couldn't save her! I didn't try hard enough! It was my fault!" 

I look at the two boys and started feeling guilty. " Boys, come here.. What your father did was not your faults. You couldn't control his action and you are definitely NOT responsible for the deeds HE has done, " I said, opening my arms to let the two boys know everything was alright. They instantlay ran towards me and jumped right into my arms. Izu pulled away first and then Shin did too. " Mommy said, if we ever found you guys, we need to give you guys this." I zuku said. They both chanted again and suddenly, a  hologram appeared.

" Hello, old friends! Me and Chicken are so sorry we haven't been talking to you guys. We knew, by the time you recieve this note, we would probably dead. And we know its because of that horrible man, who decieved both of us. Not even love can tear me and Chicken apart. Just know, we are always with you guys. And Izuku, hun, please follow the set of instructions that I have given you years ago." Squid, otherwise known as Inko, said. Next to her was Chiken. They both carried sad smiles. Then, the hologram ended. 

Izuku then started glowing. All of a sudden, a blinding light flashed and when we recovered from it, in front of us, there stood Inko and Ichika. Ichika immeditaely ran to Shinso and hugged him. " Hi, friends. We don't have much time. If you're wondering, we're here because of Izuku's quirk. Anyways, I want to thank Shota and Hizashi for adopting my son. Chicken is also very grateful, but she's a bit busy. I thank all of you for taking care of our babies. We hope you are all doing well. We wanted Izuku to this for us, and for you too. Our children will face many hardships in their lives, especially Izuku. It seems as they trouble is always attracted to him. Mostly because he likes throwing himself in the middle of danger to keep everyon safe. If you wanna ask whether me and Chicken regret having children with that excuse of a human, we would say no. I don't regret it because, if we had not met him, we would never given birth to the two strong boys you have with you know.  Anyways, keep both of them and yourselves safe. We must go before Izuku's souls gets torn into pieces. Remember that we are always with you." she said. We all said our goodbyes before another flashing light came and went, Inko and Chicken disappearing with it. 

Izuku then passed out from quirk overuse. I rushed to him. ' Thank you so much for letting us see them once again.' I silently thanked him. We all were very grateful. I am so determined to keep these two boys safe. I now especially want to do so because they were my best friends' kids. 

We all packed up and headed home in a comfortable silence. It was 4 pm. I was very tired. I had a shift later so I desperately want sleep. I was jolted out of thoughts when Hizashi broke the silence. 

Hizashi's POV

"Sho, these two kiddos wanna be heroes. Do you think we should start training for them? Oh and, Shinso's school is reopening soon. Should we enroll Izu into the school? " I asked him. " Izu has only been with us for one and a half weeks. I think we should wait for another month before training them. And about the school think... I've been thinking about it too. I wanted Nezu to test something. I wanna see if he has a brain of a five year old or not because he seems very smart for his age. Although, either way, I think he should go to school to improve his social skills." Sho answered. I nod as we pulled up into the garage.

I carried Shin to his room and Sho carried Izuku to his beacuse the two were knocked out. We then met back at our bedroom and Sho got ready for bed. " Wow, Sho, it's like 6pm right now. And your'e going to bed," I teased. He grumbled something about me being a loud cockatoo before instantly sleeping, even before his head reached the pillow. I chuckled at this and went to find something to read. My thoughts pondered to how much I love my family before falling asleep. 

This was how Inko looked

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This was how Inko looked.

The women is how Shinso's mom looked like

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The women is how Shinso's mom looked like. Ignore the man, that's not how the father looked like. Btw, Ichika was my own made up name for the mother. That is not actually her name.

Author's note

I'M SO TIREDDDDD!! Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter, my fellow weirdos. This story contains 1196 words. Have a good day or night. ~ Your friendly neighbourhood weirdo

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