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Shinso's POV

Nonono, this can't be happening. It's a dream. I never heard Izuku sing that horrible song. I'll wake up from this nasty dream and Izu will be there to greet me with open arms. Its just a nightmare. "I know! I'll just go to his room. He'll be there, right?" I whispered to myself. I ran to his room and burst open the door. He wasn't there.... "DAMNIT!!" I yelled. "What if he gets hurt?! What if he never comes back?" I whisper to myself. I broke down at the thought if it and fell to the grown. I then heard footsteps running towards me. "Izuku?" I manage to squeak out, looking up, only to find Papa. Don't get me wrong, I love him, but, right now, I need Izuku. I felt his arms wrap around me. I couldn't hear him as I sobbed. Everything was muffled. 

Hizashi's POV

I woke up to someone shouting Izuku's name. I slowly got up, not even fully awake yet. Then, I heard a loud bang and a 'DAMNIT'. That got me awake and running towards the sound. I saw Izuku's door wide open and ran towards it. When I reached his room, I found Shinso crying on the floor. I quickly run towards him as he squeaked out an 'Izuku'. I wrap my hands around him as I try to calm him down. It definitely did not work as he sobbed harder. "What time is it?" I think to myself, glancing at Izuku's digital clock. "It's 3am. Shota doesn't get off till 5. But I really need him... Fuck it," I thought as I grab my phone out of my pocket. 

"Zashi? What's wrong?" Shota asked.

"Sho... I know you your shift doesn't end till 5, but we have a situation here." I say, still trying to calm Shinso down.

"What happened? Are you and the boys ok?" he asked with worry filling his voice.

"That's the thing... I have no clue what happened. Shinso seems to know but I can't get him to calm down long enough to tell me what happened. And I think it has something to do with Izuku, because he isn't in his room and I found Shinso in Izu's room, sobbing." I say.

"I'm coming home. I'll call Nezu and tell him I cannot do patrol today. See you." he said, before hanging up.

After 5 minutes, I could here the front door open and footsteps running up the stairs. Shota then ran into the room and observed the situation, before picking Shinso up and sitting him down on his lap. He cooed him and rubbed his back. He whispered things to him and it seemed to calm him down. After about 20 minutes of Sho doing that, Shinso finally stopped crying. 

Aizawa's POV

After Shinso stopped crying, I asked him, "Wanna tell us what happened?" He looked at me and nodded. "Papa, can you get my phone from my room? It's near the window.." he whispers, loud enough for Zashi to hear. Zashi obliged and came back to the room with the phone. "Unlock it and go to my gallery. Watch the latest video there," he said. Zashi did as he was told and came towards me. We both watched the video.

(this is the song btw, because I totally didn't forget to put it in the previous chapter)

I was shocked. What could have caused him to feel this way. Have we not been giving him enough love. Did something bad happen to him that we don't know about. "H-h-how about we wait for him to get home and explain it to us.." I suggest, unable to stop my voice from cracking. The two nodded and we all huddle up on Izuku's bed. We eventually fell asleep.

Izuku's POV

After one hour of being in the woods I strangely found very relaxing to be in, I decided to go home. When I arrive home, I found everyone huddled on my bed." Strange... Dad's supposed to still be on patrol. Oh wait, if they're on my bed, then they must have known I'd sneaked out. Oof, i'm gonna be in trouble.." I thought to myself. I shrug off the thought and decide to cover them with a blanket before showering and getting ready for the school day. 

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