~Memories Pt 2.~

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Aizawa's POV

The memory I picked: 3rd memory: Izuku was in front of his Dad. "What's the answer to this?" his father asked, uncomfortably calmly. "I-i-i d-d-d-don't k-k-know.." he replied. We looked at the question. It was 10 times harder than UA entrance exam questions. How was he suppose to know this?! His father got up from his chair, all of us expected him to beat Izu, but instead, he went over to Shinso and started to beat him. "N-n-n-NO! Stop!! I'll answer it!!" he shouted. Shinso, with his bleeding face, said," STOP! HE'S ONLY 3!! HE DOESN'T KNOW IT! LEAVE HIM ALONE ALREADY!!" 3?! How was a 3 year old supposed to answer even I couldn't answer. "The answer is 37892." Izuku said with no emotion at all. "Good, stupid mistake. Now can you kindly repeat what you are." he said in a disgustingly sweet voice. " I'm a stupid mistake who would only be good as a villain." he said with a trace of sadness in his voice, making me feel angry. Izuku then mumbled something. " I WANT YOU TO REPEAT THAT!" his father yelled. "I WANNA BE A HERO" he yelled back, making me feel super proud. "Wait, for me at the basement. It seems you haven't learned your place in the world yet." he replied. The scene ended there, feeling bad we couldn't intefere and help.

The memory Nezu picked: 4th memory: Izuku was ice skating. We saw Inko carrying Shinso while skating after Izu. After a while, they left. The moment they reached home, they were greeted by an angry bitch. "I know you've been ice skating. Since you like frozen water so much, why not I teach you how to swim in cold water." he said, dragging Izu by one hand to the same place. He used his quirk, which appeared to be fire-breathing, and melted the voice. He threw Izuku in forcefully. " DAD, STOP!!! PLEASE, IT"S COLD!!! AND I CAN"T SWIM" he cried. " GOOD! LET'S HOPE YOU DROWN! NOW, SWIM GODDAMNIT," he hollered. "Fine then, I'll make you," he said as he pushed Izuku's head into the water, only leting him come up for air every 10 seconds. " I'll swim!! Just stop!!" Izu cried, trying to catch his breath. His father let go of his head and waited for him to start swimming. Surprisingly, it only took a couple of minutes for him to learn. His father looked satisfied. "Get up, we're going home. You are not to go to any place warm, or your mother gets it." he said, while Izuku nodded. Why does he do this to his family?!

The 5th memory was just Izuku getting beaten up at the age of 2. It was the one 'Zashi picked. After watching all 5 of memories, we were mentally scarred. There was no way we were gonna get anything we saw out of our heads.

Hizashi's POV

We sat in the dark abyss for a while, trying to calm down from what we had just witness. "That's what he experiences everynight?!" I whispered-yelled. Nezu, Nemuri, Toshinori,Takagi, Taishiro, Emi, Ecto and Snipe looked at me and Shota, yelling," EVERY NIGHT?!" We nod. " Actually, no. He faces worst memories. These are the most friendliest ones, except the one where I died. That one is his worst," a voice behind us said, making us jump and turn around. It was Inko who had said this and what she said made our jaws drop. Noone should have to deal with those every night. " H-h-h-how is h-h-he st-still a-a-able t-to sm-smile a-a-after t-t-that?!" Emi cried. "Because my baby boy is the strongest boy ever. He'll smile to make someone's day or he would smile to show the world that he is still standing, after years of abuse." Inko said with a small smile. We all smile. "Cheer up, guys. Thanks to you guys, Izuku is able to heal peacefully. He's with Ichika right now. From what I've heard, he didn't want you guys to be sad after seeing those memories. He wants you guys to smile. So, do it for him. Anyways, besides that, you all will be waking up now, and Izuku should be waking up soon." she said. We all nod and just like that, we were back into our original position. 

Izuku's POV

After I blacked out, I was transferred to darkness. I knew there was an upcoming nightmare, so I braced myself for it. Instead of a nightmare, I was transferred to a field full of daisy and clouds that looked like cotton candy. "Hello, little one," a voice behind me said. I tuned around, revealing Shinso's Mom. "Auntie Ichika! How are you? And where am I?" I asked curiously. " Well, Izuku, I'm doing wonderful. And we are in a beautiful place for you to heal." she replied. " So, no nightmares? And where is Mommy?" I asked excitedly. "Nope. All thanks to your Dads, Aunts and Uncles. They going through some of your memories for you to properly heal. And your mom is accompanying them through those memories." she said calmly. My heart fell at this. It wasn't because I was insecure about my memories. It was more to because my memories were very gore and horrifying. " After they're done, can you ask Mom to tell them to smile for me. I don't want them feeling sad and frowning. It's not a nice sight." I said. She smiled and nod, ruffling my hair. We then started playing for a while, chasing each other around and telling each other funny stories. Overall, I had alot of fun with her. While playing, I was thinking about how overprotective and clingy they were gonna be after seeing my memories. " Little one, it's time for you to awake from this world. I wish you goodluck." Auntie Ichika said. I nod and waved to her before being transferred to a familiar dark abyss.

I flickered my eyes open, only to instantly shut it because of the bright lights they may have temporarily blind me. I tried again and managed to do it. I slowly sit up. I looked around and heard voices in the room next to mine. I removed tube that was stuck onto me and walked over to the closed blinds, knowing there was another room beside mine. There was a growing pain at my stomach area,but I pulled through. I peeped in, seeing my family's back facing towards me. I looked around and found a door leading to that room. I tranformed to something small to fit through a crak I had observed. I transformed back quietly and spreaded my wings. I hovered over to my Dads and brother, wrapping them with my wings and whispered, 

"Missed me?"

Author's note

Hope you enjoyed. And blah blah. I'm getting way too lazy for this part. I might stop doing Author's note after this chapter... Baiii.

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