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-One year later-

Izuku's POV

I'm 5 now. I don't know how long more I'm gonna last... Everything is numb now. I decided it was time for me to go. I didn't feel like getting hurt or dealing with the weird touchy-touchy guy. So, I ran. I ran for so long I started to feel lightheaded. I was about to black out when I saw a familiar figure dropped in front of me.

Aizawa's POV

I was doing my patrol when I saw a kid who looked like he was 3. He was awfully familiar. Then, I snapped to my senses. " What is a 3 year old kid doing at midnight alone in the streets? What was he running from?" I thought to myself. I decided to do an investigation and I droppped down right in front of the little boy. He looked up and met my eyes and immediately collapsed. I obviously panicked and decided it was the smartest idea to take him to a hospital. When we got closer to some light from stores, I realized he was the boy that saved me in Hizashi and saw how beaten up he was .That made me run faster and soon enough, I arrived at the hospital. Doctors immeditely put him on a table and wheeled him to the emergency room, telling me to wait outside while I called my recently wedded husband, Hizashi, or otherwise known as Present Mic.

"Hey 'Zashi? Remember that kid that saved us from a car last year?" I asked. " YEA!! HE WAS SOOO CUUTEEEE! HOW COULD I FORGOT HIM?!" he screamed in reply, causing me to jerk back my head to ensure that i don't go deaf. " Hizashi... Your voice, remember?" " Oops- Sorry, Shota..." he replied cheekily. " Anyways, I found the kid running away from something when I was patrolling. I decided to drop down and talk to him because he was out in the streets at midnight. When I reached him, he looked at me and blacked out. He was really beaten up by someone and I took him to the hospital. I was gonna ask if you wanna come wait with me," I explained. " It was quiet at the other end before he replied in a rather worrying, quiet voice," I'm coming... I'll ask Nemuri to take care of the little listener over here, " and he hung up after that. ( For those who don't kow, Nemuri is Midnight.)

- A few hours later- - Btw, Dadmic already arrived at the hospital-

Aizawa's POV 

I snuggled against my husband while waiting for the news about the kid. I'm not a very emotion filled person, but there was something about this kid that made me worry for him. It kind of reminds me about when I found my first adopted kid I have at home. He was adopted by me and my husband after we found him begging for food. We had him for a year now. I was then taken out of my train of thoughts when a nurse came out of the room the kid was in. Me and 'Zashi jumped out from our seat and walked up to her.  " He is really fragile and in a stable state right now. All I can say is that he's been through a lot. We can give you our assumption of what happened to the kid if you want. If not, you may go in. He is still sleeping tho."  she explained. I shook my head and she nodded while walking away. " Why don't you wanna hear their assumptions?" my husband asked, obviously really confused. " I wanna hear an explaination from the boy himself instead of hearing people assume things about him. I'd rather let him explain when he's ready to." I replied him. He nodded at this and we both enter the room to see the boy peacefully sleeping. As I looked at him closer, he had natural snowy skin and was very frail and skinny. He looked really malnourished and tiny. He had green hair that looked so soft I almost wanted to pet it. On his face, he had freckles that were vey obvious, considering his skin colour being almost white. He also had bruises still visible on his face and most of his body was wrapped up with bandages. As I examined him, I noticed his eyes fluttering open.

Izuku's POV

I woke up in a really bright and white room. " Am I dead?" I said, then giggled at the stupidity of that question. " No kid. You are very much alive." someone replied me. His voice sounded familiar. " Mr. Eraserhead? Is that you? Is Mr. Present Mic with you? I hear another person breathing in this room besides you and me." I asked facing up to the ceiling, too tired to sit up. " Yea, it is me and Present Mic." he replied. I finally decided to be not lazy and sit up. " Why are you guys here?" I asked, nervously. " I found you running and when I wanted to talk to you, you passed out. So, I took you to the hospital. Then, I called Present Mic." he replied. I nodded. " Hey, kid? Me and my husbad were thinking... Would you like to come home with us. We want to take care of you for a while and when you finished healing, we'll return you home, unless you have parents that dont want that." he said. I thought about it. I'd finally get away from my daddy. And I figured mommy wasn't gonna wake up anytime soon. I also felt very safe when I was around these two heroes. " Yes, please... If it isnt too much for you, but please, dont make me go back home," I replied. The two heroes looked at each other worriedly. I knew the question in their head. Why doesn't he want to go back to his home?  But, thankfully, they didn't ask me and Present Mic said " okayy then, we'll adopt you. Is that okay with you?" I nodded my head with a smile. 

Hizashi's POV

This kid's smile was so beautiful. It was so full of life and made my heart feel complete. It was so adorable. " Okay, you know us as Eraserhead and Present Mic, but you should know our names too. Eraser's name is Shota Aizawa. Mine is Hizashi Yamada." Suddenly, the kid flinched and went under the blanket on the hospital bed. I was confused. The boy then poked his head out, as if to make sure there was no danger. " I'm really sorry. It just that... that name triggers something that I rather not remember. Do you have a nickname?" he asked. " Oh! I am so sorry! My nickname is 'Zashi." I reply. He nodded and smiled with the same sweet smile. " And my name is Izuku. I dont really wanna say my last name. I'm 5!" He said as we nod, surprised. We were certain he was 3 or something. "We'll go sort out your adoption papers, then we'll go home, ok Izuku?" Shota said to him as he opened his arms up. The kid slowly crawled into his arms and Shota carried him out of there. We got into the car and drove to the adoption centre. We sorted the kids adoption with him asleep in Shota's arms. While we were at the station, I got a text from Nemuri that my son was asleep and she was gonna leave for her patrol. I left her on read. (XD). We've known our son long enough to know that he was most definitely not asleep. Then, we wondered how he was gonna take the news about having a new brother. He never really was a social kid. We finally arrived home and was greeted by 3 out of the 5 cats we owned.

"Little listener! Come say hi to your new brother" I said, trying not to wake Izuku up. A purple mess came up to us saying, " Brother?" in a very unsure tone. He looked at the boy in Aizawa's arms and his eyes widened. " Try not to wake hi-" I was just saying as I got cut off by him shouting,


Author's note

Thanks for reading. Hoped you liked this chapter!! This story contains 1364. I do not own BNHA. Have a good day or night! ~Your friendly neighbourhood weirdo

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