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" You don't trust them, do you?"

Aizawa's POV

This caught me off guard. I thought, by the time he stayed with us, he would have learned to trust us. I looked at the others. They carried the same, confused and a little bit hurt face. We start listening as Shinso started speaking.

Izuku's POV

" I don't get how you do." Shin replies. "And I don't get how you don't" I say. "Izuku, I don't trust them because the last time I trusted someone, I ended up getting beaten up everyday. What makes it worse is that the person who I trusted was the man who was supposed to show me love and was supposed to be there to support me." he whispered-screamed. " That's the thing! Dad actually used to show you love, but when I was born, I never got love from him!" I said back. "How can you even still trust someone. You had it 10 times worse than I did." he said with tears in his eyes. I went over and hugged him. " Shin, I don't openly trust people. The reasons behind me trusting those people is because it was them who saved you, who gave you a home and food, from that only, they've earned my trust. They also saved me from that stupid excuse of a father and the most amazing thing they did was reunite us. Without them, you would've starved and I would have died in the hands of that meanie." I told him while softly patting his back. " I-I... I'm s-sor-ry." he said through sobs. "It's alright, big bro." I knew what I had to do. The most reasonable thing. I started singing.

(Song link is below if you want to hear. I love it. It personally makes me feel very safe)

I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I'll never let you go

When all those shadows almost killed your light

I remember you said, don't leave me here alone,  but all that's dead and gone and past tonight~

I took a deep breath, placed Shin's head on my lap and continued

Just close your eyes, the sun is going down

You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now

Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound~

After that, I stopped singing because Shin was asleep on my lap. I used my gravity manipulation to lift both of us to the couch and shut my eyes.

Aizawa's POV

Izuku had the most amazing voice I had ever heard. It was soothing and beautiful. He managed to stop Shinso from having a panik attack and even put him to sleep. I looked at the rest as they stared at me and Zashi. "What happened to them?" Ectoplasm said. I sighed and looked at 'Zashi, who gave me a nod. I then started explaining the two brother's backstory. By the end of the story, half of the room was crying, including Hizashi, and the other half was horrified. " That is sick! No one should experience that! Especially not kids!" Nemuri said. Suddenly, tissues started hovering and patting on the faces of those who were crying. I turned around quickly and saw Izuku with his eyes glowing. "Don't cry. What's done is done, and nothing can be changed. We shouldn't dwell on the past. Mommy told me that after Daddy had burned me and Aloe." Izuku said. Nemuri then ran over and engulfed him into hug. He started giggling and made the most adorable face over. " Yeaaa, Sho, we are so gonna spoil him" Taishiro said. " You will be doing no such thing" I replied in my monotone voice. "C'mon! You didn't let us spoil Shinso! At least let us spoil him! Let us take him to the mall today! It'll be our bonding time. Shinso has to stay home since his elementary is under renovation so you guys can take care of him while we go shopping!" Nemuri said in a passive voice. Everyone seemed to agree with her. I looked at Izuku. He gave a confused look and said, "What's spoil?" Now that's just sad. I sighed and mumbled' " Fine. Today after school ends. He must be back by 8pm." They all nodded and seemed really happy about this.  

Izuku's POV

After school had ended, Dad told me to go with his friends. I nodded and took the hand of Auntie Nemuri. There were 11 adults with me with me. Uncle Toshi ( All might ). Uncle Takagi ( Rock Lock). Uncle Taishiro (Fat gum). Uncle Ecto ( Ectoplasm). Uncle Ken ( Cementoss ). Uncle Snipe. Uncle Kejiro ( Vlad King ). Uncle Ryo ( Hound dog ). Uncle Higari ( Power Loader ).  Auntie Nemuri ( Midnight ). And last but not least, Auntie Emi ( Ms Joke ). We went to something called a mall. It looked really cool. Alot of people were staring at us but I didn't care. We went to an ice cream parlor first. " What is that?! It looks so cool!" I asked. Uncle Kejiro gave me a sad smile and told me it was ice cream. " What flavour do you want Izu?" Auntie Emi asked me. I was confused. " What's a flavour?" I asked. " Geez, did his father feed him anythin?! " Uncle Takagi said, with a hint of anger in his voice. " He fed us every Sunday and Wednesday. We ate something called an apple and at least 50 grains of rice according to Mommy." I answered. They looked at me shocked. " How about we get you vanilla ice cream" Auntie Nemuri said. After ordering the ice cream, they gave me an white coloured ice cream. I took it and watched as my uncles and aunties start licking it. I did the same and suddenly, a burst of flavours went through my tongue. " WOAH! THIS TASTE SO GOOD!" I said, happily. Everyone smiled at me as I quickly licked away at my ice cream. After we finished our ice cream, we went to a clothes store. My uncles and aunties told me to go crazy and pick out what I wanted. 

Nemuri's POV

I watched as Izuku went around the store, carefully examining the things. " I can't believe that kid's father! He made the bundle of joy live on apples and a limited amount of rice! Who does that to their kids?!" Snipe says angrily. " Some horrible excuse of a human, let alone a dad," Emi replied. I giggle at this, because its funny and it's true. After 10 minutes of us talking, Izuku came back with 3 hoodies, a cat, bunny and wolf. There were 2 t-shirts, 2 shorts, 2 trackpants, headphones that looks like Hizashi's and a scarf that looks like Shota's. " Is it too much? I'll put back some if you think it's too much!" he said. " That is the complete opposite. This is way too little things to be living on." I told him. Everyone else nodded. " I-I think its enough" he said. " Nope! Let's go help him guys!" We drag him back into the stores and then later on, to other stores. I

At the end of the day, we had so many things. When we returned to Aizawa's really big house, we brought all of his stuff to his room. 

"Shota, that kid is wayyy too humble. He wanted so little things, my dog probably has 3 times more things than he wanted. Not to mention, many of the things he bought were either based off you, Hizashi and Shinso." I told Shota, who was laying down next to Hizashi. He sighed and said, " So you went and bought him a whole entire store. I giggled at this and shrugged. " I'd like to be the one who points out how he had his first ice cream cone today." Takagi said, walking in the room. Hizashi's eyes widened. " The little listener never had ice cream before." he said. I shook my head. " The little one only ate on Wednesdays and Sundays and ate only apple and rice. Hizashi gasped and Shota shook his head." That explains why he has difficulty eating." he says. I nod.

After we all helped Izuku with his room, we all sat down to talk. We were all talking about the scarf and headphone that Izuku picked out so he could match with his fathers. We told Hizashi and Shota how Izuku was telling us about how cool his new parents were. They were red the whole time. We laughed and after a while, we all went home, excited for the next day to see the  family again.

Author's note

My fellow weirdos, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'm trying to get my lazy ass to post everyday. I wanted to point out how I don't actually know the teachers working at UA. I just looked it up and went to a random page. I also added some pro heroes to be teachers at UA. I hope that doesn't bother you too much. This is just an AU anyways. This story consist of  1411 words. I don't own any of the pictures, songs, or characters used. Have a good day or night. ~ Your friendly neighbourhood weirdo

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