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 SomEwHeRe iN A dReAm

" Daddy? Why are you holding that? Why is it so pointy?" I asked, terrified of my Dad, who was holding a syringe. 

" Well, ever since you were born, I could tell you were gonna be a disappointment, so, I decided I should help you become less of one. Think of this as an early birthday present," he said with a horrible smile. 

" I-I-I'm n-not a di-dis-appoi-ntment!" I yelled with an unsteady voice. He slapped me. " Who told you you could shout at your father. Tsk" He said to me. My eyes filled with tears. We were in the basement.

" Time to start..." he said. In the next moment, he stuck the needle in my hand. He started beating me. " Weird, it seems like... YOUR BODY REJECTED IT?! WHO TOLD YOU YOU COULD REJECT WHAT I PUT IN YOU?!" he bellowed. He started beating me harder.

" I knew you were a mistake"


Izuku's POV

I screamed in pain as I jolted awake. The door suddenly burst open and I screeched. " I-I-I-I-I'm sorry! Plea-se d-on't h-h-hurt m-me" I said, covering my face to protect myself, thinking  was going to get hit. 

" Izuku... We would never hurt you. You were just dreaming." a familiar voice said. I looked up, seeing Dad, Papa and Shin looking at me with worried looks. I grabbed the closest thing, which happened to be Dad. 

" H-h-h-he was... I-I.. A-Am I-I a-a mis-take? " I said, sobbing. " NO!! " All three of them replied. "Hun, you never were a mistake. Don't let his words get to you..." Papa said calmy, engulfing me into a hug. My eyes felt heavy as I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Next morning

" Goodmorning kid," Dad said. " Goodmorning Dad. I'm sorry for waking everyone last night." I whispered. " It's fine Izu. You went through alot. It's normal for you to get those nightmares. Just know that we will be here if you need someone to talk to, we're all right here." he said. I smiled and nod. " Get ready kid. We're going to go UA soon." he said as he ruffled my hair. " Yay! Uncles and Aunties!" I said as I ran to my closet to pick a outfit as Dad got out of the room and chuckled.

 " Yay! Uncles and Aunties!" I said as I ran to my closet to pick a outfit as Dad got out of the room and chuckled

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( He was wearing that, minus the skirt. He was wearing shorts)

I wabbled downstairs. Papa screeched goodmorning to me, which made me flinch. He said sorry and passed me breakfast. After Dad was done with his 10th cup of coffee and Shinso was done with his 8th cup, we were on our way to UA. 

After they arrived

" There is my little angel!!!" Auntie Emi exclaimed. I giggled and looked over at Hitoshi. " Yea~ Angel, alright" he said, pking my cheek, causing me to stick my tongue out. " Did I say something wrong? " Auntie Emi said. We looked up at her and the rest of the teachers. They all carried the same expression. "Izuku has a thing with Angels," Shin said, grinning. "OMG! ARE YOU DEAD OR SOMETHING?!" Auntie Nemuri said, worried. Me and Shinso burst out laughing. " NONONO! That's not it," I said while laughing. After me and Shin calmed down, I looked over at him and raised an eyebrow. He then nodded. " Well, you meant me being an angel metaphorically, right?" I asked. Auntie Emi nodded. " Well~ What if I showed you this..." I said. Everyone looked at me, still confused as ever. I took off my shirt and...

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