~ Brothers ~

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Shinso's POV

When I saw the boy in Dad's arms, I instantly knew who it was. Papa was trying to explain to me something but I cut him off by yelling " IZUKU". The boy jerked up and looked around before his eyes land on me. 

Aizawa's POV

I honestly was not angry at Shinsou at all. I was more of surprised and confused. He has never interrupted us while we talked to him or shouted in our presence. What was confusing the fact that we never told him Izuku's name so he must have known Izuku before we adopted him. Izuku looked at him, his eyes filled with tears as he proceeded to jump out of my hands and into Shinsou's arms. " My baby bro! I'm sorry! I went back and you weren't there! I thought HE did something to you. I thought I'd never see you again! I thought I was too late..." Shinso said, while sobbing. THEY WERE RELATED??!?!?!? " Can someone fill me in on what's happening here?" I said. " Since Izu is here with me, I have enough confidence to finally tell you guys my backstory. Me and 'Zashi lit up at this. During his time living with us, he never told us what happened to him. " And I will tell you mine to." Izu said. We all head to the living room and sat down. I sat on the same couch as 'Zashi while Shinsou and Izuku went to the couch opposite from us and sat down. 

Shinsou's POV

"It started when I was 2. My mother found out about my father cheating on her and the woman was 7 months pregnant. My mother was not angry at the woman because the woman never knew my dad had a family. They started fighting everyday and night. One day, my mom had enough of it and hung herself. I crawled into her room, only to find her corpse hanging. I was too young to understand what that was. So, from then on, I stayed with my stepmom and father. After two more months, my stepbrother was finally born. My stepbrother was indeed Izuku. Izuku's mother was very nice to me and treated me with an equal amount of love when she treated Izuku. My dad, on the other hand, became colder. When Izuku turned one, he made us both sleep outside. He said mistakes like us dont deserve a roof to sleep under." I paused looking at my dads. they look horrified. I took a deep breath and continued. " He started hitting us but for some unexplainable reason. Izuku's beatings was always worst than mine for some reason. So, from the age of 1 and 3, Izuku and me has been abused. Izuku got his quirks earlier than me because I think it was his bodies way of protecting him, but he never used the quirk to protect himself. This went on till I was 6." Izuku then cut in, " It was the next day after I saved you guys!" I nodded and went back to telling my part of the story. " When I was 6, I got my quirk. As you guys now, my quirk is hypnosis. My father was so angry that my quirk was villanous, he kicked me out of the house. Two days later, you guys found me." My dads were shocked at how horrible I was treated. " My turn!" Izu said. We all turned our attention to him. " When Shin left, it took Mommy a while to process what happened. After she regained herself, I could tell she ws angry. The next day, I heard fighting in the kitchen so I crawled down to see what was going on. I heard Mommy fighting for you, Shin! She was really angry that Daddy had thrown you out. Then, Daddy hit Mommy. I ran in front of Mommy, trying to protect her. Daddy then kicked me and I fell. He stepped on ankles really hard and I heard a crack from both of my ankles. he took a knife and stbbed it through my hand and onto the wall. It was really painful but I still tried to get out because I needed to protect Mommy. Daddy then burned me with his fire breathing quirk. He walked out to get some things and I heard Mommy say she loves me before Daddy came back with some weapons and started hitting her. Then he hit her one last time befre she fell to the ground. Her skin was like that," he said, pointing to the white wall beside us and continued, " I think... She fell asleep with her eyes open.. but her eyes were not bright anymore. I put her into bed and let her sleep. She still hasn't woken up yet, tho." Me and my dads looked at each other. We knew what happened to her, we just don't know how to break it to him. I eventually spoke up. " Izu.... Your Mommy is gone... She went to heaven" I said sadly. He looked surprised at first, then said " Its ok! Mommy always said heaven was a pretty place where no one could get hurt anymore. At least she is safe and also, she isnt lonely! She can see Aloe!" I nod as my dads looked confused. " Aloe was our family cat. Very sweet and social. But one day, she accidentally stepped on Dads foot. Depite her being very light weight, he felt it. He burned her. Izu tried to protect her, and ended getting burned to. His mom managed to put him out on time but Aloe was not so fortunate." My dads understood as they nod their heads sadly. Both, especially Dad, loved cats. "Ok! Back to my story, a week after Shin was kicked out, our sleeping place was discovered by this weird man. I didn't like him because he did this weird touchy-touchy thing when we were both without clothes. After he finished, my legs would hurt alot..." I looked up surprised and horrified. This world couldn't get any meaner to Izu than it already was. Not only was he abused, he was raped too?!?! I could see my dads angry too. " And then you guys found me!!" he said happily. We all smiled weakly to him.

Aizawa's POV

After we heard the two brothers horrible backstory, I asked them to go up into Shinso's room and play while I talk to Hizashi. I spoke weakly and softly. After we heard Shinso's room's door close, Hizashi instantly burst into tears. I started to tear up as I hugged to try to comfort my husband. " WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THAT TO THEIR KIDS?!" he whispered-screamed. He sobbed as I felt tears running down my face. 

Shinso's POV

After we came into my room, Izu climbed into the bed and gestured me to climb on too. I did as he wanted. He started singing the lullaby I thought I'd never hear again. I teared up and felt him wipe away my tears. " I love you, Izu" I said. " I love you too Shin, now go to sleep. I know you haven't slept in a while." he replied and continued singing. I felt my eyelids grow heavy and soon fell into a much needed sleep.

Izuku's POV

As soon as Shin fell asleep, I tucked him in and kissed him on his forehead. I knew downstairs had people to cheer up. I exited Shin's room and walked down the stairs quietly. I saw the two adults crying and decided to use my gravity manipulation quirk to lift up tissues and dried their faces. I walked up to them and gave them a hug. " Don't cry. Mommy always said crying ruins your pretty face." I said. " You *sob* both *sob* went *sob* through *sob* so *sob* much.." Mr Mi- 'Zashi said in between sobs. " Its ok, not everyone can have a happy childhood.. And no matter what you do, you can't go back and fix how your childhood was. What matters is what you do with the remaining time you have on this earth ( How a 5 year old knows this is beyond me ). So, cheer up and smile!

Hizashi's POV

This kid is too smart and adorable for his own good. I silently promised I will protect this child with my life. He is such a ball of sunshine.... So bright.. Especially his smile. He is so likeable. I cannot see why anyone would want to hurt him. I knew deep inside, Shota made the same promise. I wiped away my tears and smile and shota did the same. " Good! Now im gonna go to bed. Night papa! Night Dad!" I squel in so much happiness and I saw Shota smile with genuine happiness. 

Authors note

Harlo fellow weirdos! Yes, I will start calling you readers my fellow weirdos :) Hope you enjoyed this chapter. This story has 1461.  Have a good day or night. Btw, the pictures that are used are not mine and neither is BNHA. ~ Your friendly neighbourhood weirdo

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