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( I need to start of by explaining something. I googled what age is middle school in japan is and came across something. It turns out, School is typically divided into five cycles: Yōchien (幼稚園, Nursery school) from 3 to 6 years old. Shōgakkō (小学, Elementary school) from 6 to 12. Chūgakkō (中学, Middle School) from 12 to 15. Yes, I did copy and paste that. So, I went back to my other chapters and changed preschool to nursery. If you didn't see, I added somewhere that Izuku's nursery and Shinso's elementary was in the same place. So yeaa, anyways, enjoy.)

2 years later

Izuku's POV

Woken up by yet another nightmare. 2 years, and it still hasn't stopped. I look at the digital clock and it read 2.46 a.m. I sighed and got myself ready.

(He wore this and some black jeans)

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(He wore this and some black jeans)

I wanted to head out for a while and clear my thoughts. I packed a little bag just in case. I've observed how Dad seemed to only patrol the city and parks. He doesn't go to the woods. So, with this information, I opened the window quietly and hopped out of the house. As I was about to fit the floor, I transformed into a bird and flew towards the woods. I transformed back to my normal self and felt the cool air of winter brush onto my face. I headed to the place where I "learnt" how to swim. The lake was frozen and I wanted to do something fun. So, I opened my bag and took out ice skates and put them on. They were light green and on it was some snowflakes. I begin to skate naturally and easily on the ice. As I was skating, I was also thinking.

" So much has happened over 2 years. I'm in elementary now which is cool. Me and Shin have been doing really well in close combat and soon, Dad's gonna train us with our quirks. Kacchan, Jiro, Tokoyami and Tenya have been over at our house a couple of times. They were pretty amazed at how big it was, except for Tenya. His house was equally as big. We've had so much fun over 2 years." I mumbled to myself. I skated for another few hours and took out the phone Dad gave me ( Yes, he is 7 and he has a phone ) and checked the time. I've been skating for 2 hours. It was 4.52 a.m. I knew Dad was gonna be home soon so I quickly turned into an eagle and flew. I opened my window and flew inside. I transformed back to myself and took of my coat, leaving on my turtle neck shirt top on. I changed my jeans into blue jean shorts and sat on the bed. I heard the front door open and I sat in the darkness. My door then opened, revealing Dad's tired face. " Go to sleep, Dad," I say, like always. He smilles and leave the room. After I heard his bedroom door close, I went outside to the TV area. I watched TV till everyone woke up.

"Hey, Izu!" Shin said. He was the last to greet me that morning. I smiled at him and went over to hug him. We both went to the kitchen where Papa and Dad were. Breakfast was set for us and Papa was kissing Dad. Me and Shin snuck into the room and curiously watched them. We didn't want to interrupt them so we quietly sat on the chair. Dad made this funny sound and Papa grinned at him after they stopped kissing. "Woah, such romance." Shin said, with a grin on his face. Papa and Dad snapped their heads towards us, only to find two boys staring at hem with curious eyes. They instantly turned red and I asked," Shin? What's a romance?" He looke at me and said,"That beautiful moment we witnessed, that's romance." he replied with a smile. This made Dad and Papa turn even more red. "Shinso Yamada-Aizawa! Why would you tell him that! And why were you two watching us?" Papa said. " We wanted to eat and we saw you doing romance." I said. Shinso started laughing and made me confuse, before a question popped into my mind. "Shin? What was that funny noise Dad made just now?" I asked curiously. He grinned and said," That is called a mo-" but he was cut off my Dad. "If you finish that sentence, you will not get coffee for a month and your phone will be confiscated." Dad said with a serious tone. This made Shin shut up instantly. "It's a mo?" I asked. " It's nothing your innocent little mind should worry about." Papa said smiling at me. I shrugged it off and we started eating, Dad and Papa still red for some reason.

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