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Izuku's POV

The pool party was amazing. Auntie Nemuri's pool is so big!! Everyone was surprised I could swim. I told them I was just a natural. I knew they didn't buy it but they didn't question me further, thankfully. The truth was, my dad used to take me to a river somewhere buried in the woods and dunk me in the water. He told me I should learn how to swim, even if I was a mistake. Anyways, I got to meet Auntie Nemuri's dog. His name is Dwelo. He is a doberman. He has shiny fur and looks threatening but he's a sweetheart. Well, to me he is.  He tried to bite Uncle Kejiro's hand off. "How come he likes Izuku but not me! I'm amazing with animals!" Uncle Kejiro said. I giggled and said, " Don't worry, Uncle Kejiro! I'll ask him to be nice!" I then whispered something into Dwelo's ear and he obliged to it. He ran towards my sad uncle ad started licking his face. " Izuku! Did you drug my dog!" Auntie Nemuri said. " Could have been that," I said while shrugging with a cheeky grin. Everyone burst into laughter. We had alot of fun that night. 

-The next day-

I woke up from a nightmare. I start crying on my bed. I felt hungry. So, I went to the kitchen. It's 5 a.m. I woke up and decided to make myself a peanut butter sandwich. I grabbed a random knife and took the bread. After I finished, I put the knife on the table and ate my sandwich up. I finished my sandwich and took the knife to the sink, but on the way, I dropped it on my leg. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt too much, although, the longer I stood there, the more this feeling came to me... The feeling of... pleasure? Unfortunately, there was blood on the floor. I put the bloodied knife in the sink and hopped to my room. I didn't know where the bandages were so I used my gravity manipulation to hover myself into Papa and Dad's bathroom and check the cupboards for bandages, not noticing the blood trail I was leaving everywhere. I finally found the bandages and hovered out. I put myself down and cleaned my cut. Well, it was more of a stab wound but wasn't too bad. After wrapping my wound, I went downstairs and called the cats quietly. I played with them till everyone woke up.

Hizashi's POV

I woke up and looked next to me. Shota was sleeping peacefully. It was 7 a.m. and I got out of bed. Suddenly, when I stepped onto the floor, I knew there was something off. I look down and gasp. There was blood trailing I followed the trail into my bathroom but it seemed to end there. So I followed it the other way. I followed the trail to... Izuku's room?!? My heart dropped. "IZUKU?!" I yelled as I burst in his room. There was nothing. I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen, hearing Shinso's and my bedroom burst open. There was a puddle of blood and a bloodied knife. Then, I heard giggling from the living room. I ran in there and saw Izuku playing the cats as my husband and son run down. " Izuku!!" I said, releasing the tears which were already threatening to fall. " Hi Papa!" he said cheerfully.  I hugged him so tight. I didn't want to let go. " Zashi, your'e gonna kill the poor kid." Shota said. " Have you seen the floor?!" I screeched. Both of them looked on the floor and their eyes widened. "Oops! I forgot to clean that up! Sorry,Dad! Sorry, Papa!" he said. My eyes filled up again. " Izuku, where is the bleeding coming from?" I said, trying to keep my voice steady but failing. Izuku then stuck out his leg. I unwrapped the poorly wrapped wound. What I saw was horrifying. The wound was reaally deep. " H-h-how d-d-did yo-u g-ge-t t-his," I said through tears. " I wanted to make a peanut butter and accidentally dropped a knife which I thought was the not bad knife on myself. And then blood. But don't cry Papa! It doesn't hurt!" he said softly. I cried harder as I hugged him. " Zashi, we should take him to the hospital to get that stitched up. And Izu, I want you to call one of us when your hungry," Shota said, picking Izuku up. " But you guys were tired and I didn't want to disturb you guys." he whispered into Shota's hair. " I wiped my tears away. We started walking to the car and I held Shinso's hand. " Hun, you would never be disturbing us!" I said softly. He looked at me and smiled before turning pale and passing out. I gripped Shin's hand harder, causing him to yelp. "I'm so sorry, little listener!" I said as I picked him up. " It's ok Papa," he said, hugging me.

At the hospital

After Izuku was treated, he layed sleeping. " Well, the wound has been stitched. He appears to have lost a large amount of blood, but not enough to kill him, thankfully. He should just let his leg rest and not to walk around for a day or two," the doctor said, before walking out. Shota then walks in and tells me that he called Nezu and told him we would be arriving a little bit later because of the accident. I nod and went back to watching Izuku. I felt arms wrap around my head. " He'll be fine Zashi" Sho says. As if on cue, the little one wakes up. He yawns and looked up at us. He blinked a few times before looking at the clock and gasps. "You guys are gonna be late!" he said " Its ok, Izu. We told the the teachers about what happened. Since you're awake, we can make our way there. Anyways, the students don't have school today. It's the day the teachers are holding a meting. We have it every month." Sho told him. He nods and was about to place one foot on the ground when I abruptedly stopped him. " Hold on there! You are not allowed to walk. Doctor's words. I'll be carrying you." I said as I picked him up. Sho then picked Shinso up and our family of four headed to UA.


Izuku's POV

"IZUKU!!! HOW COULD YOU BE SO CARELESS?! YOU GAVE US A BIG SCARE!" Auntie Nemuri said. I flinched at the screaming and said, " Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you guys." " It's ok, but be more careful next time,ok?" she said. 

Then the adults begin the meeting. Me and Shinso played for a while. That is, until he fell asleep. I giggled at my lazy brother. I then watched as the adults spoke. There was something about them... that seemed awfully... familiar. I feel like I've seen them somewhere before. Not on TV or in books or anything. I thought really hard. Suddenly, I gasp. I know where I've seen them before. I stood up, back facing the adults, though I can feel their eyes burning through my back. I whispered some words Mommy told me about and a teared piece of paper appeared on my hand. I looked at it and turned back to look at them. They were staring at me. I looked back at the paper in my hands. I gasp again. I went over to my brother and shook him awake. 

" Huh? What's wrong Izu?" he said. " Remember that teared up magic paper your mommy gave you." I whispered. He nodded and I told him to take it out and say the words, which he obliged to. We put the the two torn paper together and they instantly stuck to each other. I told him to look behind and look carefully at the paper. He did that multiple times and finally understood. " Let's take an inspection before we jump to conclusions." he said and I nodded. We both walked around the room, looking at the heroes top to bottom. I could see the connection. We nod and start to giggle. We went back to our starting point and giggled harder.

" Can someone please verify what's going on here," Uncle Snipe said. " You all looked so different when you were younger!" I said through my giggles. Everyone looked shocked, causing me to giggle harder. Ok, I had to put my serious face on. " Before we tell you anything, does the nickname Chicken and Squid seem familiar to you." I said while Shin nodded. Everyone looked shocked, because they haven't heard those names in a while...

Author's note

I hope yall enjoyed this, my fellow weirdos. I decided to write another chapter because why not. This story contains 1448 words. Have a good day or night. ~Your friendly neighbourhood weirdo

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