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Hizashi's POV

I woke up at 6 pm and got ready. After washing up, I went downstairs to the kitchen. Izuku was already awake and playing with Dream in the living room. "Hi, Papa!" he said. " Hey, hun" I said back. I then went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone. Hearing Izuku's giggles made me smile as I prepared breakfast. As I was finishing, I felt two arms wrapping around my waist and a head on my shoulder. "Morning, my sleepy caterpillar" I said. He just hummed in response. I hear someone trottin down the stairs and that person seemed to have tackled Izuku, making him erupt into giggles. I knew it was Shinso tackling his little brother. I finally finished preparing breakfast with Shota still hugging me. I turned around and kissed him, picking him up bridal style and plopping him down on a chair at the dining table. " Kids, breakfast is ready!!" I called. The two brothers came running into the dining area. They sat down and we all started eating. After breakfast, we head to UA.

After arriving at UA, we asked for Nezu. He came into the teachers lounge 10 minutes later. " Yes, Shota? What may I do for you?" he asked Sho. " Well, me and Zashi wanted to see how smart Izuku really is. So far, he doesn't seem to act like a 5 year old. Can you test him some things?" Sho replied and Nezu nodded. The teachers were interested in this and me and Sho took a seat. Nezu called for Izuku, who was playing with his brother, and Izuku obliged. Shin made his way towards us, before getting picked by Sho, who placed Shin on his lap.

"Izu, what 5+5," Nezu started off. "10," Izu replied. " 21+57?" "78" " 186 divided by 4" " 46 and a half" The most surprising thing about this is he doesn't even hesitate. Nezu started asking middle school questions, before moving onto high school ones. We were all shocked, but Shin wasn't. Nezu asked the hardest question he knew and it took him only 10 minutes to solve it. Nezu then asked him a question that even he hasn't even solved yet, which Izuku solves in 15 minutes. Our jaws dropped but Shinso got up and ran to Izuku. He hugged him and Izuku hugged him back. " How did you know those." Nezu asked, clearly in shock. If I was being honest, behind my shock was pride. HE WAS NOT ONLY CUTE AND PURE, BUT HE WAS SMART AF TOO. Izuku looked hesitant, before looking at his brother. Shin nodded. " Dad used to test Izuku on these type of questions. And if he got it wrong, Dad would hit either me or his mom." Shin said. We all nodded sadly. We all felt bad for the boy and we wanted to kill their father. 

" So, are you guys planning on putting him in nursery?" Higari asked. " Yea, although he is smart enough to attend UA, we want him to make friend his age. Since Shinso's school is reopening in two days, we'll be enrolling him there. ( Shinso's school is a nursery and an elementary). I heard his two friends, Tokoyami and Tenya, is going there too." I said. "Wait, he's friends with Tensei's little brother? How did that happened," Ken asked. " Little Izuku saved them from some older kids who were beating them up. He then got beaten up by them, but he seemed happy Tenya and Tokoyami were fine," I said. " He is going to make a good hero." Toshinori said. Everyone nodded. " But the little guy seems too selfless. He put himself in the middle of danger just to save his two newly made friends," Sho said. " That IS a value of a hero. Heroes cannot be selfish." Nezu said. Shota sighed and I just pat his back. 

" It's time for school to start. You all best be heading off to your classes. Izuku and Shinso can go explore." Nezu said. " Um, Nezu... All the classes is meeting at the PE grounds to do some quirk test remember?" I said as the teachers nod. "Oh my bad. Run along then." and with that, we all separated.

Izuku's POV

As everyone left the teachers lounge, me and Izuku walked around the school. The hallways were very quiet due to everyone being in class, getting informed of the activity they were going to have. Me and Shin went to the cafeteria, holding hands so we don't get separated from each other. "Well, if it isn't the two little cafeteria heroes. What can I do for you adorable kids?" she asked. " Oh, nothing Auntie Lunch Rush. We just wanted to see how you were doing" I replied as Shin nodded. " How sweet of you two! Well, I'm doing splendid! Would you two like some tea?" she asked cheerfully. " Yes, please!" I replied her. " May I have a coffee instead?" Shin asked nicely. " Coming right up! You know, Shinso acts alot like Shota because of his coffee addiction and sleeping habits whereas Izuku acts like Zashi because of his bubbly attitude," she said, while preparing our drinks. Me and Shinso giggled at her observation. She then handed us our driks and we thanked her. " Oh, it's nothing. I'm happy to prepare anything for my adorable nephews," she said, making us giggle again. After we finished our drinks, we bid her farewell and went back to exploring the school. 

After a while, we were passing by a boy, who Shin accidentally bumped into. " Sorry si-" Shinso said bfore cut off by the boy. " Watch where you're going, bitch! Don't make me teach you a lesson," he shouted. " Hey! Don't be mean to my brother! He already apologized!" I shouted back. " Brat," he said before kicking me hard in the stomach. I fell to the ground and started coughing up blood. He chuckled before walking away. "Izu!! Hold on ok? I'm gonna take you to Dad and Papa," he said, picking me up bridal style. I felt bad because I was still coughing blood onto his shirt, although he didn't seem to mind. He ran towards the PE grounds with me in his arms. I buried my face in his chest. I felt my hair growing wet and I knew he was crying. I wanted to tell him to, but I couldn't get myself to talk. 

Shinso's POV

"Dad!! Papa!! He's hurt!!" I shouted as I ran into the PE ground. I brought him to where the teachers were standing. " What the hell happened?!" Dad shouted. " A boy... Izu.. Tried to protect me.. The boy kicked Izu... Izu coughed up blood." I said through sobs. Papa went to hug me while the teachers were around Izu. " Hey hunny, could you calm down long enough to tell us which bitch did this," Papa said in a stern but sweet voice. I nodded and calmed myself down before looking at the crowd. I spotted the orange haired asshole who kicked my little bro and pointed to him. Dad stood up and picked me up. He looked at where I was pointing and said, " You over there. You are hereby expelled." I put my head on Dad's shoulder after looking at his horrified expression. All the other teachers nodded because they were angry that boy had hurt Izuku. The boy was about to stand up until, " Don't! D-d-don't ex-pell h-him, Dad!" Izuku said. " And why the everlasting hell not?" Dad said. "Please, I'm not that hurt." Izu replied. Dad sighed before saying," Izu, baby, you're coughing up blood." "It's not that bad.. He didn't puncture any vital organs. Instead, he missed them. The coughing up blood part is a natural reaction my body does when I get hit near the stomach area because when my excuse of a biological hit me, there has to be blood or else I'd get it worse. So, don't expell him please.. For me," Izuku said, giving Dad puppy eyes. Dad scowled, trying to resist, but failed and said, " Fine." Almost instantly, Izuku got up and hugged him. Dad then planted a kiss on his forward, still holding me in his arms. " Now, run along you two." He said. 

Aizawa's POV

I felt annoyed because I couldn't resist Izu's puppy eyes. After watching the kids run off, I turned back to the crowd of problem children. " Who knew the cold Aizawa-sensei had a warm heart for his children." A girl from my class said. I growled at her and said, " Anyone who teases me for this will be instantly expelled. And anyone else who hurts my kids will get a bad punishment. I can't expell you guys for hurting my kids because they will get upset with me. And just know, the orange head and me are not on good terms." I said, sternly. " Neither is he on good terms with anyone of the teachers. Those two boys are very close with us teachers. Their mothers were too, before they passed." Hizashi added as the teachers, even Nezu, nodded. Then we all went back to what we were doing.

Shinso's POV

" So, you excited to go to school?" I asked Izuku as we settled in the teachers lounge. "Yea! I wanna see Tenya and Toko again! Maybe even..." he trailed off. " What is it, Izuku?" I asked, concerned. " Do you think I'll see Kacchan and Jiro there?" he asked, with a hint of sadness in his voice. I hesitated. " Maybe.. Let's hope for the best, ok?" I told him and he nodded. " If I get hurt, you'll help me, right?" he asked. " Of course, little bro!" I said ruffling his.

I will always be there to help him.

Author's note

Harloooo my fellow weirdos! Hope you enjoy this chapter. Izuku's backstory with Katsuki and Jiro will come in the next chapter. This story contains 1646 words. Have a good day or night. ~Your friendly neighbourhood weirdo

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