~First meet~

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Aizawa's POV

It's been a week since Izuku arrived. Me and 'Zashi had a week off, coincidentally. We haven't told anyone about Izuku yet. We wanted him to get used to the house before anything else. We also didn't want to overwhelm him. He does flinch alot around us but it had lessened. We often find him sleeping outside the house but after telling him has to sleep inside, we found him sleeping on the floor. When me, 'Zashi, Shinso and him are in the living room together, he is on the floor. He says that he didn't want to ruin the couch. He doesn't eat too much, which is worrying but it is said to be normal for people who experience an abused childhood. We took him to the doctor to find out he has PTSD and anxiety, which was quite  weird to us since he is usually really bubbly. 

We realised how much Izuku had affected us. The family was more complete with him. He made me and Shinso show more emotions. To be honest, everyone says Shinso is the younger, purple version of me. We both were insomnians, we both loved coffee and cats. We both like to bury our emotions except when we were around each other or Hizashi. When Izuku came, me and Shin showed more of our emotions. It was amazing how much a little boy could affect us.

On Saturday, we went to a nearby park. The minute we arrived , Izuku dragged Shinso to the swings. They played while me and Hizashi talked.

Izuku's POV

Me and Shin played for a while before Shin sat in the sandbox and fell asleep. I giggled at this. I covered him in sand before wondering off. I then spot two boys getting hit by some mean kids. I ran towards them. " Hey! Stop that! Leave them alone!" I yelled when I got there. When I reached them, I realised how much smaller I was compared to them. "Aw~ Little pipsqueak here thinks he can save the day. Let's show him where his place in this world is. C'mon my bros" the biggest one said. They all then started kicking and hitting me. The two other kids were begging them to stop. If i'm being honest, it didn't hurt at all. It was nothing compared to Daddy's beatings. They eventually stopped and walked away, snickering. I rolled my eyes and got up, brushing myself. " Are you guys ok? Those kids are just big mean bullies! Don't listen to them" I said, walking toward the two boys. One of them had blue hair and glasses and the other had a bird head which I found awesome. " We should be asking you that! You shouldn't have intervened! You wouldn't have gotten hurt," the blue one said. " You're bleeding.. Like alot.." The bird one said. "It's fine! I'll get cleaned up later. So, what's your names? Mine is Izuku Yamada-Aizawa," I replied with a smile. " Mine is Tenya Iida, but call me Iida" the blue one said. " And mine is Fumikage Tokoyami, but call me Tokoyami," the bird one said. " Do you guys know each other?" I asked. "Oh no, we aren't. Tokoyami had just sat next to me before those bullies came," Iida replied. "Ohhh, ok. Then I'll be the one to declare three of us as friends!" I said happily. Tokoyami and Iida looked at each other, then me, and nodded with smiles. Just then, I heard three voices calling for me. Papa saw me all bloody and ran to me. " OH MY GOD!!! IZUKU!! WHAT HAPPENED?!?! WHO HURT YOU?!" he screamed as he scooped me up, examining me. Dad and Shin were just as worried as him as they waited for my reply. " Actually Mr Present Mic sir, Izuku had saved us from some really mean big kids. They were hurting us and he intervened.." Iida said. " Papa, Dad, Shin, meet my new friends! Tokoyami and Iida!" I bubbled, completely ignoring the fact that he was bleeding. " Wait, Iida, as in Ingenium?" Dad said. Iida nodded. Papa started patching me up with bandages that he had brought with him, just in case. "Izuku, I understand you don't want people to get hurt but you can't just get yourself hurt for them." Papa said with a sigh. " Are you mad at me " I asked him, feeling tears in my eyes. " No! I definitely am not mad at you. I just don't want you getting hurt," Papa said. I sniffled, wiping my eyes. 

Hizashi's POV

I look at Izu as he sniffled. "This kid is too precious" I thought you myself. I then heard a familiar voice yelling, " TENYA!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!" " Over here bro! " Tenya shouted. Tensei then ran to his little brother. Followed behind him was a human bird. She went over to Tokoyami and hugged him with her wings/ hands. Tensei then looked over to us and his eyes widened. " Shota! Hizashi! I haven't seen you guys in a while!" and just like that, we were all separated into different groups. Me and Shota was talking to Tensei and Tori ( Tokoyami's mom) while Izuku was with Tenya and Tokoyami. Shinso even managed to find a boy around his age to talk to. After a while, we all left the park to go home. 

As Shota and I prepared for bed, I told him, " Well, today was pretty eventful." He chuckled at this and nodded. I knew he needed sleep before his shift to patrol which was in another 3 hours. We both went to bed and slept.

Aizawa's POV

After our free week was over, me and 'Zashi decided it was best to bring him to UA and introduce him to the teachers ( who are all their friends ). They needed to know sooner or later. 

"Izu, can you come here? Me and your dad need to ask you something," 'Zashi shouted, causing me to flinch. He noticed this and mouthed me a sorry. " Yea, Papa?" Izuku said while waddling in his adorable black bunnie onesie into the living room. I wanted to run to him and hug and never let go, but I knew that would be selfish. 

"Izu. Do you know what UA is? "

" Yea! Its the school I want to go to!" he said, hopping up and down. I lifted him up and placed him on my lap. I saw Hizashi giving me a said face and I smirked. " Well, Papa and I are teachers there and since tomorrow we have to go teach there, and we don't want to leave you and Shin alone here, we're gonna bring you to UA" I told him.

" You mean, I get to have a sneak peak of UA?!" Izu shouted softly. I nodded, smiling. He squeled and hugged me and 'Zashi. He then waddled to his room to get ready for bed, super excited for tomorrow.

-The next day, at UA-

We arrived at UA. Izuku was wearing a purple cat hoodie that was meant for Shinso. Shinso was wearing a black hoodie that I had outgrown. I got out of the car and went to Izuku. I picked him up and settled him on my waist while 'Zashi went to Shinso and held his hand. We then went to the teachers lounge. Hizashi went in with Shinso first. From outside, we could hear Hizashi and Shinso being greeted, and when both of them greeted them back, I chuckled. I knew they were surprised, since Shin usually never responded to them. I heard Hizashi giggled, which confirmed my thought. I then heard Hizashi warning everyone to keep quiet and to call him 'Zashi instead. I then walked in with Izu. Everyone stared at us. I then head a squeal and knew that it was from Nemuri. The loud noice mad Izu hide his face in my hair. Me and 'Zashi then glared at her. I assured Izu that they won't hurt him. He slowly turned back to them and whispered to me, telling me to put him down. When I did he waddled to Nemuri and hugged her leg. She teared up and picked him up and hugged him. He giggled and asked to be put down. He went to each one of the teachers and hugged them. He then went in front of them and said, " Hello, everyone! My name is Izuku Yamada-Aizawa. I'm 5! How about all of you!" he said with the most cutest smile ever. Everyone then took turns to introduce themselves. " Izuku, how about you go play with Shinso while us adults talked, " I said to Izuku. He nodded as he went over to his brother. Us teachers then situated ourselves to our seats around the meeting table. Everyone started talking about how adorable Izuku was. We all stopped talking when we heard something that interested us.

" Shin.... I know that face." This got everyone interested because Shinso was a really hard person to read. He probably is harder to read than me. How Izuku does it is beyond me. Izuku then says something that surprises us all. 

" You don't trust them, do you?"

Author's note

I hope you liked this chapter, my fellow weirdos, although I think its pretty shitty. This story contains 1523 words. I don't own any of the pictures and bnha. Have a good day or night :) ~ Your friendy neighbourhood weirdo

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