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Izuku's POV

Dad broke the news that I was able to enroll in UA next year. He and Papa took me out of that school after reporting everyone in my class, including a few teachers who stood and watch as I got hurt and didn't do anything. My friends were so pissed I didn't tell them about the bullying. So, overall, everyone became overprotective of me. I still cut with the razor that I secretly kept. I will not give up the one thing that makes me feel human. So, instead of cutting at my wrist, I cut somewhere no one would bother checking. Dad and Papa check my wrist everyday so I usually cut my thighs. So, that's that.

Me, Shin, Papa and Dad was making our way to the park. We were taking our daily jog to enjoy some time together while it lasted. Our jogs were always peaceful, but today, there was something wrong. I felt as if we were being watched, so I kept my guard up. I felt worried, because honestly, I did not give two shits about myself. I needed to keep my family safe. There was no way I was gonna get them hurt. When we finished our jog, we usually got ice cream, but I asked to go straight home. I know this made them worried in case something was bothering me again. I just said I wanted to go home. We did eventually go home. The minute we reached home, I quickly locked all the doors and windows. I look at one the windows, and saw a figure I never wanted to see in my life, ever again. 

Shinso's POV

"SHIT!" I heard Izu yell from the doorway of our house when me, Dad and Papa settled on the couch at the living room. This worried us because Izu didn't like swearing. He usually replaced swear words with other words, but when he cussed openly, something was wrong. "What's wrong Izu?" I called. He then ran out, causing me and my dads to run towards the door. The door wouldn't budge, so I knew Izu was keeping us from going out. I look out the window to see... OUR FATHER?!? "OH SHIT!! CRAP, IZU! LET US OUT!!" I yell. "Who's he?" Dad asked worriedly. "It's someone I never thought would have the balls to show his face around us..." I said with seething anger. "Shin, we need a proper answer," Papa said. I kick at the door continuously. "GODDAMNIT! IT'S OUR SHITTY ASS FATHER!"  I yell. Both Dad and Papa cussed and helped me try to kick down the door. Whatever Izu did to the door, I knew it wasn't going to budge. So, I went to the window to watch what happens.

Izuku's POV

As I walked nearer to the asshole, he smiled wider. "Hello, Izuku! How is my mistake doing?" he said. "Better now that I actually have loving parents and found Shinso again. So, can you kindly piss off?" I say with darkness in my voice. He starts cackling, causing me to shiver. "Now now, let's not get salty. Haven't I taught you to respect you elders?!" he yells, breathing fire in my direction. I barely dodged it. I knew I would need my full form to fight this ass, so I show my wings, tail and ears. He suddenly disappears and appear right behind me, lunging towards me with a knife. He stabs me but I managed to kick him away before he could do more. I lift him with my quirk and throw him up to the sky, watching as he fell. Suddenly, he teleported behind me again, but this time, I hit my in the nose, hearing a sickening crack. He smiles as his body going flying back. Then, unexpected fire came towards my direction, burning my left side. I transform into a gorilla and ran towards him, lifting him up and smashing him to the ground. I turn back into my original form and he gets up from the floor.

"I see you've improved greatly on your fighting skills," he says. "Yeah and? And by the way, when did you get a teleportation quirk?" I asked, still in a fighting stance. "Aw, Izu, there a lot of things you don't know about me. Anyways, I would love to fight more, but unfortunately, your pathetic family called reinforcements, so I best be off. See you again, Son," he says. "I AM  NOT YOUR SON!!! AND MY FAMILY IS NOT PATHETIC!" I yell as I threw a punch at him. This time, he grabbed my fist and squeezed until a sickening crack echoed the neighbourhood. I pulled my hand back as I squeezed my wrist. The asshole then breathed fire on me and kicked me after. I saw him walking towards a purple portal. I then heard the muffled voice of Uncle might and before I blacked out, I saw Auntie Nemuri run towards me. 

Aizawa's POV

As we watched them talk, I called some of our friends to help. Izu and his father started fighting, which caused me to hold my breath. I watched as my son was stabbed by a inhuman monstrosity. I watched as he was burned and kicked. I felt proud that he did some damaged to the bitch, but not long after the fight broke out, it ended. He must've known I called for back-up. He said something that made Izu mad and Izu threw a punch at him. He broke Izu's hand and kicked and burned him. "SHIT! IZU!" I yell. His stupid father walked through a purple portal without even looking back at his hurting son. Oh wait, he has no right to call Izu and Shinso that. Finally, as the asshole was leaving, I saw Toshi and Nemuri running towards him. As Izuku blacked out, the effect he left on the door wore out. He were able to open it and run towards the bleeding child. 

An ambulance arrived and Izu was carried on a stretcher into the ambulance. Me, Zashi and Shin took my car to the hospital while Nemuri and Toshinori walked (CoUgH ran cOugh) to the hospital. I sigh. "My problem child just can't get enough of the hospital..." I say, causing Shinso and Zashi to giggle. I felt happy I managed to lift their spirits a little, but there was still worry in the atmosphere. Why is he always trying to protect us...

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