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(Just to verify, the day Izuku went to school was a Thursday. It was the schools reopening day after 2 months of renovation. The month is July.)

Aizawa's POV

It's a Saturday and me and Zashi didn't have any assigned hero work, so our family were sitting in the living room. Zashi was reading and Shin was sleeping. Izu was playing with the cats, as usual. The cats really grown a liking for him, and I knew it wasn't his quirk. It seemed as if animals were naturally attracted to him. I don't blame them though. Who wouldn't like him. Although, from what I've seen, Izuku has picked a favourite. It was Tashi, the most aggresive cat in the house, but with Izuku, she seemed to be the nicest. I watch Izuku play with the cats and sipping my coffee before realizing something was bothering him. 

" Something wrong, Izu?" I asked with concern. " N-no," he said, obviously lying. Hizashi put his book down and I raise an eyebrow. "Izu, what's wrong," I asked. "I-uh-school-nevermind," he answered. "Did something happen at school you didn't tell us about?!" Zashi shouted, causing Izu to flinch. "Nonono! Nothing bad happened. It's just- Er- are you guys free on Monday?" he asked. Before we could ask, he continued," Nevermind, of course you're busy. Stupid of me to ask- I'll be in my room," he said, face reddening. He stood up and Hizashi called after him. Then, when we were about to go after him, we heard a sigh. We turned and saw Shin shaking his head. "He doesn't want do disturb you guys. He's always like that. Thinking of everyone else before he can even think of himself. He's just overthinking. I won't tell you what he wanted to say but it's not really that serious." he said. We nod and go up to his room. "Izu, can we come in," I said while knocking. We heard a hum so we took that as a yes. I opened the room door and Izu was at the edge of the bed, looking like he was thinking hard. 

"What's wrong buddy," Hizashi asked. "It's just- I don't wanna bother you two and I also know you guys are busy with UA and pro hero things, but we have this project that I need you for- and..." he said, trailing off. " Is it a bring your parents to school project?" Zashi asked and Izu nodded, face buried in hands. " Hey, bud, why didn't you say so sooner. Of course we'll go!" I said. " But you guys are busy! And I don't wanna bother you," he said quickly. "You're not bothering us! We'll just Nezu to let us go a little early for you, ok?" I said. He nodded, smiling. We smiled back and I ruffled his hair. "C'mon, let's go back down," I said. He jumped off the bed and ran down. Me and Zashi then heard squealing and a loud thud, followed by an eruption of giggles. We chuckled and headed down too. God, I love my family.

-On Monday-

Izuku's POV

The day went by surprisingly fast. We played and studied, then it was time for the project. I watch all the parents of the kids came in. When it was Kacchan's family's turn, Auntie Mitsuki ran to me and engulfed me into a hug, repeatedly apologizing. It was the same with Jiro's family. Soon enough, it was my turn.

"Izuku? It's your turn? Can you call your parents in?" she asked. I nod and headed out of the class. When I spotted Dad and Papa, I waved at them. They ran to me and Papa picked me up, making me giggle. As I walked into the classroom, still being carried by Papa, I heard everyone gasp. " Everyone, meet my Papa and Dad. They adopted me about two weeks ago and they are the best parents ever." I introduced. " Hello, everyone! As you can see, we are pro heroes, Eraserhead and Present Mic. Our jobs are being teachers at UA and of course pro heroes, although Eraser is an underground hero. We are Izuku's adoptive parents. We love Izuku and won't hesitate to hurt anyone who hurts him. Same with the teachers at UA. They have grown very fond of him." Papa said, passing me to Dad before explaining his job. I buried my head in Dad's hair while listening to their presentation. After the presentation, Dad put me down before giving me a kiss on the forehead. Papa did the same and told me they were waiting in the car for me and Shin. I nodded and waved the goodbye. " Woah... Izu... That is so cool!!!" Jiro said, squealing. " Hey, I'm not the only one who's living with a pro. Tenya's bro is a pro too," I said. Everyone turned to Tenya and Tenya just rubbed his neck. Everyone then crowded around me and Tenya. They asked questions and we answered them. School finally ended and I sighed with relief.

 After everyone except me, Tenya, Toko, Jiro and Kacchan left, Tenya softly punched me on the shoulder. "That's what you get for making them surround us," he said and I giggled. "You guys are somewhat related to pro's. That's so cool!" Kacchan said. " Yea, but in another few weeks, they're gonna start training us for UA," I said with a sigh as we walked out of the class. "Same, my bro wants me to be well prepared for the entrance exam," Tenya said. " I almost feel bad for you! Me and Kat are only starting training in another 2 years." Jiro said. " I'm starting next year," Toko said. Me and Tenya sighed and said at the same time, " Good for you." The five of us started giggling as we walked out of the school.  After we stopped giggling, I said," Jinx! You owe me a soda!" Tenya groaned and everyone else giggled while I smirked. "I'll give it to you tomorrow, meanie," he replied. I spotted Shin and waved everyone goodbye and quickly reminded Tenya about the soda. Before I turned around, he stuck out his toungue at me. I giggled and and ran to Shin. We make our way to Papa and Dad's car. 

" Good day, my beautiful kids! Where shall I drive us to?" Papa asked in a funny voice. Me and Shin looked at each other and said in the same funny voice," To the ice-cream parlor, my most amazing and loud Papa." He and Dad obviously did not expect this response. Papa then grinned. " Will do!" he yelled. Dad groaned and said, " NOOOO! TAKE US HOMEEE!" We all giggle and Papa drove towards the ice-cream parlor. 

Hizashi's POV

When we reached the ice-cream parlor, we got out of the car and went to order. We took turns ordering. "May I have a chocolate ice cream in a cone," I asked. " I'll have a coffee ice-cream in a cup," Shota said. I rolled my eyes at my coffee loving husband. " I'll have the same as my dad," Shinso said. I sigh at the similarites of the 26-year-old and the 7-year-old. " Can I please have a strawberry one, ma'am?" Izuku said. The girl at the counter looked like she was gonna explode. She smiled and nodded. She scurried to get the ice creams. She gave us our ice creams, and when she gave Izuku his ice cream, she said, " He's adorable! How old is he?" I then replied her," He's 5. I know he looks like he's 3 but it was because, when we adopted him, he was really malnourished." She nodded before waving us off. We enjoyed our ice cream. Well, Shota looked like he was gonna die from exhaustion. 

When we reached home, Shota instantly fell onto the couch and fell asleep. Shin did the same and Izuku looked at me. " What do you want buddy?" I asked. " What are you gonna do? Can I help you with it?" he asked. " Well, I was gonna make dinner for both of us, seeing that Shota and Shinso are asleep and defintely should not be woken up, I fugured we both should have dinner. You want to help??" I asked. He nodded eagerly. And at that moment, I could really see the similarities of me and him. I chuckled and ruffled his hair. We both then head to the kitchen to make dinner.

Author's note

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, my fellow weirdos. I want to verify that I don't actually know which name is Shinso's first name. I read alot of  fanfic and they use the name Hitoshi instead, so please don't harass me for it. I'm not gonna restart my whole story because of that, so yeaaa. This story consists of 1373 words. Have a good day or night! ~ Your friendly neighbourhood weirdo

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