Chapter 1

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!!TW!!- mental and physical abuse/ suicidal thoughts

I finally woke after a long, excruciating torturing session under the imperious curse. I was hexed because I was defiant and not shy of backchat.

I suffered so badly, I passed out. I knew I had not gone to hell when I began to hear the haunting screams of other inmates. It was enough to make you go mad however, I already was. Hell seemed like the better option at the moment so I was pretty gutted to still be alive.

"Awake now are we Miss Y/L/N?" I slowly lifted up my weakened body to look at who was talking to me. It was the same guard that tortured me. "You! You will pay for this" I snarled. He laughed, pressing his face up to the bars that are keeping me in. "And how do you suppose you're going to get your revenge when you're locked in there and I'm out here. I have my wand remember"

He boiled my blood. "Now, eat your damn food before I hex you again" I scoffed in reply. Why should I eat? I'm never getting out. Unless I am with her, there is no point in living.

I picked up my tray once I couldn't see him and threw it off the wall. It collided with the wall, making a huge racket. The same guard came rushing back. He looked at my tray then at me. "Fine, if you want to play it like that"

He unlocked the door and let himself into my cell. He picked up my tray and threw it at me, barely skimming my head. I looked at him in anger but there was nothing that I could do about it. He walked closer to me and grabbed my chained wrists, pulling me up slightly.

He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. "Such a pretty girl. Shame you're going to waste in here. You have a lot of admirers on the outside. Little do they know that you're a little sadistic homosexual" I growled at him causing him to let go of me. I crumpled to the ground in a heap. "You're just upset because I won't give you what you want" I smirked.

He scoffed "Next time you are given your meal, you eat it. I don't want you dying in here. Torturing you is too good and I'll miss it when you're gone" I let out a long, loud cackle. I knew I would die someday soon, I couldn't care less. Nothing in life mattered more than my girl.

My girl who I miss more and more every day. I wish to be able to hold her, speak to her, tell her how much I love her. But most of all, be illegitimate with her.


I kept drifting in and out of sleep. Until I heard something that woke me up completely. I heard guards moving someone into the cell opposite me. They were scorning that person as they threw them into the cage, like an animal.

I suppose we are all animals in here but, that doesn't necessarily mean we should be treated like them. Some say we deserve to die because we have done unforgivable things but, we're only human.

I hadn't the energy to creep to the door and peer over at who my new opposing cellmate was. That was until I heard their laughter.

It was so familiar, yet so distant. The sound of it was like music to my ears. Almost like I had heard it somewhere before. But where?

I slowly pushed myself up onto my elbows before forcing my skeletal frame to stand. I tiresomely made my way towards the cell door.

I peered out the bars to the opposite cell. I could not believe what I was seeing!

My whole life flashed before my eyes...

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