Chapter 32

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Snape led us all through the castle. Draco looked sick to his stomach but Bella was ecstatic. We ended up in the great hall and she hopped up onto the table. She proceeded to kick plates and goblets from the surface, smashing them with her boots.

"Bellatrix get down from there" I shouted, laughing as she squealed in excitement. Snape stupefied someone that got in our way as Bella made the windows explode.

"That's enough Bella. Please, we don't have time to smash everything up" she pouted at me, "it's just a little bit of mindless vandalism. Come on Y/N, let's have some fun"

She burst some more windows and all the candles were blown out in the blast. I turned around to see Draco watching in fear. I gave Bella a disappointed look and rushed over to our nephew. "Come on Draco, leave her. It's all going to her head"

We swiftly followed Snape to where he was heading and Bella was following closely behind. I chose to ignore her as she swung around the trees when we were passing through the forbidden forest. She was acting like a toddler and I couldn't be bothered to keep her in check.

Draco is my priority right now.

Harry Potter had been following us. We hadn't realised that he had witnessed the entire event from beneath us. He chased us down to Hagrid's hut.

"Hagrid? Hello" Bella called out but there was no answer. "Snape, he trusted you" Harry yelled. I cackled, "that man should've known better than to trust Sev. It was always going to end like this, you lot stand no chance" I yelled back.

I watched as Harry clenched his fists. I could see the desperation, he so wanted to hurt me but he didn't have the gut. I had bad mouthed his headmaster and he was angry.

Big deal.

There was a loud bang behind us and an insane blast of heat. I turned to see Bella cheering at the flames engulfing Hagrid's hut.

"Go on" Snape yelled at Draco. He obeyed his order and he ran, "go home Draco" I yelled at him as he ran. I walked over to Bella and grabbed her by the arm. "Must you damage everything?"

She shook me off and laughed. I sighed and shook my head, there was no stopping her. "Incarcerous!" Harry cast at Snape but he deflected it. "Fight back, you coward! Fight back!" Harry cried.

Bella shot a spell at the boy, knocking him about ten feet backwards. "Brilliant" I said to myself. I've completely given up, there's no point in trying to stop her. She is enjoying this too much so I guess I'm just going to have to let her get on with it.

I love her too much to stay angry with her forever. Draco is safe and that's all that matters.

"No! He belongs to the dark lord" Snape calmly yelled at Bella. She was about to cast another spell at Potter but Snape stopped her.

She finally gave in and ran back towards the forest. I had to follow her, Snape will be just fine on his own.

"Bellatrix Black, slow down" I yelled. "You'll have to catch me first my love" she yelled back. The games, again. Seriously?

I chased her through the forest until I saw that she was gone. I stopped in my tracks and looked around. "Bella? Where are you!" I yelled.

I got no answer. I was becoming worried now, what if she has been captured?

Someone grabbed me from behind and clasped their arms around my waist. I screamed. "Y/N shh. It's me" she whispered in my ear.

I melted at her touch, "I hate you" I chuckled. "Of course you do" she said rolling her eyes as I turned to face her. "Everything is going to be fine, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you earlier" she said sincerely.

"I know darling. I should know better than to tell you what to do" I said laughing. She placed a gentle kiss on my lips and as we collided, the dark mark appeared in the sky.

I looked up and gestured for Bella to do the same. She clasped her hands together and I placed my hand on her cheek. "I love you so much Bellatrix" she smiled softly, "I love you too Y/N"

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