Chapter 22

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Bella and I have been staying at the house of Black, she inherited it after her parents passed. It feels strange to be here considering Druella and Cygnus are gone now, but it is still home.

We have kept in contact with Tom, he informed us that he went to see the dark lord and that he has become a death eater early. He told the dark lord about everything that we have done and that he has requested us.

"I don't think I'm ready Bella. What will Cissy think?" I said. She took my hands in hers, "Y/N darling. You are ready, I promise. Everything is going to be alright" she smiled softly. I gave her hands a little squeeze before standing up to find a nice dress.

We apparated to the specified location to be welcomed by the dark lord himself. We both bowed down before our master. "Good morning ladies" he spoke so coldly. "Good morning my lord" we replied in unison.

We stood back up straight and looked at him. "There is something you both must know... Tom is gone" my eyes widened, what does he mean by 'gone'?

"Forgive me my lord if this is speaking out of place but, where has he gone?" Bella asked confused. He let out a short laugh "I am Tom Riddle"

I gasped followed by a laugh. "Why didn't you tell us!" I laughed. "I was undercover, I needed to find some new recruits and from what I've seen, you two are perfect" I smirked at Bella and she bit her bottom lip.

"Now, I will need your left arms as you shall be receiving the dark mark" we almost squealed in excitement. I was always fascinated by my parent's marks. Now I was finally getting my own.

Bella went first and Voldemort pressed his wand to her skin and a black skull with a snake appeared on her arm. She winced in discomfort but once he removed his wand, she was fine.

I held out my arm to him and the tip of his wand was pressed against me. He whispered a spell and the same mark began to appear on my arm. It felt like someone was branding me with a hot iron but I held it together to save embarrassment.

We thanked him but before we left I asked "how is Nagini?". His eyes grew sad but he still replied, "I still keep in contact and I've promised to wait for her. I miss her very much but it won't be long until we are reunited" I nodded and smiled gently.

We apparated back to the manor and screamed in excitement. "I can't believe it! We are actual death eaters" I cried, taking Bella in my arms. We hugged tightly before pulling away, I gave her a quick peck on the lips.

Fast forward to the end of term

We watched as the Hogwarts express pulled up to the platform. Cissy and Andromeda would be staying the summer with us at home since there is nowhere else for them to go.

Narcissa was scanning the crowded platform for us so we called for her. When she heard our voices and saw us she came running. she was so excited to see us and we were excited to see her too. I pulled her into a tight hug then released her so she could hug Bella.

"Where's your sister?" Bella asked. She slowly backed away from us and looked down at the floor. "She told me to tell you she isn't coming home" she mumbled. "Narcissa, please speak up. It's very busy here and I can't understand you when you mumble" Bella spoke softly.

She looked up a little more relaxed at Bella's tone. "She is staying at her boyfriend's house. She told me that I had to tell you she won't be coming back" I looked at my girlfriend in shock. "Who is this boyfriend?" we asked.

"His name is Ted Tonks" Cissy sighed. I could feel the rage radiating from Bella's body. We needed to leave the platform in case we saw Dromeda and Tonks. I grabbed their arms and apparated them back to the manor.

"What did you do that for?" Bellatrix yelled. "Because I knew that if you saw her it wouldn't end well. Please don't yell at me Bella" I grabbed her shoulder firmly to calm her down.

"I just can't believe she would betray our family like this. Cissy, promise me that you will not turn out like Andromeda" Narcissa smiled widely and said "actually Bella, I'm already two steps ahead of you"

Bella cocked her head, "what are you talking about Cissy?" Narcissa sat down next to us and said, "there is a boy that I like. His name is Lucius Malfoy"

Bella gasped and I squealed in excitement! "You mean, Abraxas' son?" Bella smiled. Cissy nodded and I hugged her. "I know it's just a crush but I'm so happy. Bella, what do you think?". "I am just glad that he is a pureblood. All I want is to keep part of our parents alive, I know that you will do me proud Cissy"

Narcissa's face soon grew sad and I noticed. "Cissy, what is the matter?", she blinked away her tears and shook her head. I cupped her face in my hands, "no, tell me what's wrong" she sniffled as I wiped her tears away.

"What's going to happen to Andromeda?" Bella sighed, "I am going to cut contact with her. She has made her bed now she must lie in it. I'm sorry if this upsets you Cissy but it has to be done. I will send her a letter tonight"

Narcissa nodded "I understand, I'm going to go and unpack," she said getting up and leaving. Once I knew she was gone, I hugged Bella from behind. "Hey, relax. It's fine, Cissy doesn't mind and now we don't have to worry about the other one" she reached her hand back and placed it on my shoulder.

She doesn't have to be so strong all of the time...

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