Chapter 40

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"Y/N is that you?" I heard her say. I rubbed my eyes and they focussed on her.

"Bella?" I called out. She gave me a wide grin and my heart skipped a beat. "IT IS YOU" I yelled from my cell. "Shhh, we don't want anyone to hear us and get moved again" she whispered.

"Sorry, I've missed you so much" I sighed.

I couldn't believe that she was there, right in front of me again. After lord knows how long I felt like I'd been reunited.

"I wish I could hold you" she whispered. "I know Bella, but at least we are together again"

I heard the clinking of keys coming along the corridor so I sat back in my cell and Bella did the same.

"I see you two have found each other again. Get up!" the guard yelled. We refused.

He called for back up and we were dragged out of our cells kicking and screaming, I think we were eventually stunned because when I woke up, I was lay on the floor next to Bellas unconscious body.

I sat up and looked around, the room was empty but we were chained to the floor.

"Bella, can you hear me?" I asked. She began to stir and as she sat up, the same guard came into the room. "Awake now are we? You have some visitors" he snarled and two people walked into the room.

I recognised them at once. "Cissy, Draco!" I screamed, delighted. Cissy pulled Bella and me into a hug. "No touching" the guard yelled from outside the door, Cissy rolled her eyes.

"I hate you both so much" she cried. We just laughed. "You're broken" Draco whispered sadly from the other end of the room.

"Draco, come here" I whispered but he shook his head. "ARE YOU SCARED OF US?" I shouted. He whimpered against the wall, making me burst into laughter. I felt a hand collide with my cheek, Cissy had just slapped me.

"Don't you dare speak to him like that? You may be my family but I will not tolerate this behaviour" I apologised trying to hide my smirk but she noticed.

She stepped away from us, "you two are complete idiots. Now I understand what you were trying to tell us before you walked away" Cissy said to me as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"You've both been sentenced to the dementors kiss, doesn't that bother you?" she yelled, I could hear the pain in her voice but I couldn't react.

"Sorry, Narcissa. Azkaban has made us lose our marbles" Bella sniggered. "Marbles" I repeated, laughing even more. "Draco's right, you are insane" Cissy cried, grabbing her sons hand.

"You both aren't the same people anymore, I just want you to know that I love you both very much. I'm sorry that it has come to this but you made that choice when you joined his army. Goodbye Bellatrix, goodbye Y/N" she said and with that, she was gone.

I looked to Bella and we broke into laughter, we really had gone mad.

The guard reentered the room, "have you no mercy, your sister is upset and all you can do is laugh" he spat, kicking us to the ground. "SEND FOR THE DEMENTORS" he bellowed.

He left the room once again, this time the air grew cold. I wasn't scared and neither was Bella. We knew it was coming.

The two cloaked, faceless things approached us. I reached out and held Bella's hand. "I love you" was the last thing we said to each other as the dementors sucked our souls out of our bodies.

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