Chapter 34

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(sorry if this is the wrong order in the timeline- I think it is but oh well)

We heard the news of Harry Potter being in little whinging. In no time, we were sent to attack him and the Aurors. But, we ran into a bit of a dilemma. There were too many Harry's.

We ended up chasing them and battling in the sky. Bella and I went after Hagrid and Harry, whether it was actually Harry- I do not know.

Hagrid landed his stupid motorbike on the motorway so we had to keep tactical. Harry cast a spell and knocked someone out. Thankfully, Bella and I dodged it.

Voldemort was following closely behind and when he caught up, he cast a spell at Harry. He deflected it and their powers collided. Green and red light fused in the middle of the pair.

It was amazing to watch however, Voldemorts power was growing weaker. We watched as his wand began to crack and he had to break away. He was livid and we watched as they flew away.

There was only one known destination they could be... The Burrow.

We landed outside the pathetic excuse of a home and a ring of fire burst, surrounding them. Bellatrix was the first to land, they were all stood at the door watching. I landed next to her, we both gave them wide grins and ran through the gap in the flames.

They had pulled their wands out to attack, but we were too quick. We heard a loud "Harry no!" from the distance causing us to cackle. "What an idiot. Why does he always have to be the hero?" I sarcastically exclaimed as we kept running.

Bella began to chant "I killed Sirius Black" and "you coming to get me?" again. She was such a wind-up. However, I do find it cute. I've never known her to be more proud of something than her murdering Sirius.

She has longed to do that for so long and the fact that she can use it to torment Harry, makes it even more enjoyable for her.

We hid in the depths of the swamp as Harry and Ginny stood in the open. Greyback stepped forward and ravishingly licked his lips. We watched as Ginny stood frozen. Greyback probably would have killed her if Harry didn't come to her rescue.

"I want to kill him" Bella whispered. I turned to face her, giggling. "I know you do love, but you can't. The dark lord's orders, he must be the one to kill Potter". She frowned, "but he already got his dad!"

I took her hand. "Come on Bella, maybe you can torture him instead? Kill his friends in front of him or even better, crucio him" her sad face twisted into a thoughtful smile. "I like the way you think Y/N"

We edged closer to him and began casting silent spells at them. They deflected them which angered us. We knew things weren't going to be safe when we began to hear his name being called getting closer and closer.

"Just a few more times then we need to leave" I whispered. Bella nodded, continuing to cast spells at the pair, hoping desperately to hit one of them.

We watched as they were joined by more people, I couldn't stay any longer. "Meet me back at home now" I whispered before apparating.

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