Chapter 35

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I landed back at home on my front doorstep. But when I got there, I noticed there were lights on.

I slowly opened the door, holding my wand out ready to kill. I could hear movement in the kitchen so I headed there, praying it was just house-elves.

I stood outside the door and heard humming. It was a sweet tune and a very recognisable voice. I put my wand away, hoping to scare the 'intruder'.

I swung the door open and yelled, "Avada kedavra" and Cissy swung around to face me, dropping a plate in the process. "Y/N YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ME" she screamed. I laughed heartily, "not necessarily. My wand is in my pocket" I said, pointing to it.

"STILL. WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" she continued to yell. "Cissy, will you stop yelling. I've been out, why are you in our house?" she dried her hands and ordered a house-elf to clean up the mess.

"Well I came by to visit but neither of you was here so I thought I'd tidy up a bit" I was truly touched at her gesture bless her heart. "You are so sweet Cissy, but you really didn't have to" I spoke kindly, walking towards her. I gently stroked her arm and she relaxed at my touch.

"Are you going to tell me where you have been then?" she asked me calmly. I shrugged my shoulders, "I'm waiting for Bella. I told her to meet me back here and she still isn't back" I sighed.

"Oh. I'm sure she won't be long Y/N. You know what she's like, she is probably off doing something mental before she comes back" I sighed again and nodded. I knew she was right, Bella often does things without telling me. It is pretty tiresome but I wouldn't change her for the world.

A loud bang came from the sitting room which made the two of us jump. "Bella" I said, rolling my eyes. We headed into the living room to find Bella giggling to herself on the floor. "What on earth is the matter with you. You sound like a hyena" I laughed.

"You should have seen it Y/N. The house, it went up in flames" I put my head in my hands, "don't tell me. You flew through the windows and set it on fire"

"Yes!" she yelled, turning around and sitting up. "Oh, Cissy. I didn't see you there. Does she know where we were?" I shook my head and bit my lip. "Care to enlighten me?" she said, as I turned around to see her hands were on her hips.

"The Weasleys" I said calmly. "And Bellatrix destroyed their house?" she replied. Bella was now stood next to me and I felt her nod her head. Cissy said nothing, just sighed and sat down.

"I told you to meet me here, and you didn't" I whispered. "I know love, I'm sorry. There was just one more thing I had to do" she said, pressing her forehead against mine. "It's okay Bella" I sighed.

I felt her lift my chin up with her cold hands, I jumped at the sudden feeling. "I love you" she whispered. I smiled like a kid in Honeydukes. "I love you more" I whispered back.

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