Chapter 15

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A/N- sorry if some things are incorrect in this chapter :)

Bella and I have been together for about a month now, nobody knows!

We were sat at lunch talking about how much the teachers favor their own houses when we noticed Tom had walked in. Except he was holding hands with the new girl.

She is a transfer from America. We hadn't really spoken to her even though she is in our house. He guided her to the table and sat her down opposite us. "Girls, I would like you to meet Nagini. My girlfriend"

"It's nice to meet you Nagini. However, haven't you only known each other for like, a month" I joked. He shot me an annoyed look so I shut up. Bella squeezed my hand under the table.

We were still good friends with Tom however, he had become very manipulative. We had secretly formed a little gang since we would all become death eaters once we left school. We often spoke about the dark lord and how much we long to swear our loyalty to him.

Tom seemed overly loyal which concerned Bella and I. He was also becoming increasingly evil. But then again, aren't we all.

"That doesn't matter. A week is long enough to decide you like someone Y/N. I suggest you shut up, I don't see you with a boyfriend" I had to bite my cheek to stop myself laughing. If only he knew.

Nagini didn't speak a word the entirety of lunch which made things very awkward. We had learned from Tom that she is a human Maledictus and has the ability to transform into a snake. We were amazed at that ability but she looked slightly uncomfortable that he was telling us this.

"Now, Nagini shall be hanging around with us more often so I suggest you are kind to her" he spoke harshly as he got up and dragged her along with him.

"What the hell was that?" I laughed to Bella. "I have no idea but I bet we better get used to him acting like that" she smiled weakly. I could tell she was bothered by something. "Bella, what's wrong?"

She looked at me and smiled, shaking her head. "Tell me Bellatrix" she knew I was being serious when I used her whole name. "It just annoyed me when he mentioned a boyfriend. I hate that we can't tell people" she sighed. I took her hand again under the table, making sure to be discreet.

"I know it's hard. But it is so important Bella. As long as we know, there is no need to show it" she smiled, knowing what I meant.

This conversation would be a strange one to an outsider.

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