Chapter 21

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Its been a week since our encounter with 'the marauders' as they like to call themselves. I've never met a group of boys so pathetically childish.

We informed Tom immediately and he agreed to help us if we needed to deal with them again. Little did we know, we would we dealing with them shortly.

In the same place as before, we caught them tormenting Snape. We approached them quickly and the second they saw us, they knew they were in trouble.

Peter scarpered so each one of us grabbed a boy and we apparated them to the shrieking shack.

"Now, what are we going to do with you?" Tom questioned. "Who are you?" Remus asked.

Tom laughed in their faces, "I am Tom Marvolo Riddle. And I don't care who you three are, you must understand this boys. I am your worst nightmare!" Tom yelled. The three of them cowered together in the middle of the room.

Bella slowly approached them, a smirk took over her face. 'She is so hot- focus Y/N you have three children to deal with' I shook myself out of it and got back down to business. "You were warned" she cackled, causing me to laugh.

Tom cast a spell and they were tied together. "Please Bellatrix, you're my cousin. You wouldn't hurt family right?" Sirius begged. I burst out laughing as Bella struck him across the face, "you are not my family, you filthy bloodtraitor"

I walked over and stood next to Bellatrix. I gave Sirius puppy dog eyes, "bless you, does your dear cousin not love you anymore?" I gloated. The three squirmed to untie themselves. "You do know that isn't going to work right?"

They suddenly stopped struggling, "what are you going to do to us?" James asked. We shrugged our shoulders. It's true we didn't know what we were going to do to them but the suspense is killing them.

"We will let you go unharmed if you promise to never bother Severus again" Tom yelled. The three boys nodded their heads but that wasn't enough for Tom, "I need to hear you say it!"

"We won't bother Snape again" they cried in unison.

Just as we were about to untie them, Dumbledore and a few other teachers arrived. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" He bellowed, we were gobsmacked. How did he know we were here. But that was when Peter emerged from behind Dumbledore.

"You little snitch" Riddle yelled, aiming his wand at the little blonde boy. "Expelliarmus" Albus yelled, to save Peter from harm. "You three have a lot of explaining to do. My office, now!"

We. Are. Screwed.

"What on earth were you doing to those boys? Anyone care to explain" we remained silent.

"If none of you speak, I will have to force it out of you" I turned my face up, "and how are you going to do that old man" he hardened his eyes on me. "Crucio" he yelled.

Pain shot through my body and I collapsed to the floor. I screamed in pain as he held the curse against me. Bella rushed to my side yelling "Stop please, we will tell you. Just please stop hurting her"

He finally released me from the curse, "protective aren't we Miss Black" Tom just stared at how vulnerable she got when I was being hurt. I slowly got up and returned to my chair, every movement was agony.

"We were trying to teach them a lesson" Tom finally spoke. "And what lesson would that be Mr Riddle?" he spat. "They keep picking on Snape, we did warn them" Bella said.

"They are first years, you are much older than they are. It was hardly fair and you all know better than to take matters into your own hands" I laughed at him. "What is so funny Miss Y/L/N" he questioned angrily.

"What would you have done about it? Take points from their house? I doubt that very much, they are Gryffindors and you have always favoured that house. Besides, they wouldn't pay much attention to being told 'bullying is wrong' Sir" I spat back at him.

He looked at us in dismay. "Are you even sorry?" he asked gently. "Nope" we all said in unison.

"I am sorry but I cannot condone this behaviour. If I hadn't have arrived when I had, merlin knows what would've happened" he spoke. "We were just about to untie them!" I shouted.

"You just don't know when to shut up do you? I doubt that very much. Therefore, I am going to have to expel you all from Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry"

Our jaws dropped.

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