Chapter 20

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It's been a week since my accident and my limbs still ache. I have to keep my wounds dressed in case they open again since I cut pretty deep. I regret what I did with every ounce of my body, I didn't realise at the time that I could've died.

Bellatrix hasn't left my side since it happened. She has spent every waking moment with me to make sure I am safe. Even Narcissa has been there. She apologised for being distant but I told her there was no need. I understood how she felt.

I still haven't told them why I did it, I don't think they expect me to. But I will eventually. I just need time to recover.

Time skip- another week

I lay with my head resting on Bella's lap. She played with my hair as we watched the fire crackle. Everyone had gone to bed so we took the chance to have some peace.

She looked down at me and kissed me on my temple before finally asking "why did you do it?" I looked at her chocolate eyes "why has it taken you two weeks to ask me that?"

She playfully hit me, "now isn't the time for sarcasm Y/N. Besides, you were vulnerable and I didn't want to push you too far" I smiled softly, she is so caring.

"I just wanted to feel something" I sighed. She looked at me in confusion "what do you mean 'feel something'?" she questioned. I sat up to face her, "I just needed some relief. I know that they were your parents but it felt like I was losing mine all over again. I needed to feel something and take the pain away" I sobbed. She took my hands in hers "I love you Y/N. Please, next time you feel this way talk to me"

She gently rubbed my hands. "Can I see how your wrists are healing?" I nodded and pulled my sleeves up to reveal my scarred wrists. She softly ran her finger over my fresh scars. She gently kissed them and I smiled at her as a tear fell down my cheek.

She noticed and wiped it away "what's wrong?" I sighed smiling, "nothing, just you"

I pressed my forehead against hers and kissed her passionately. I have missed her touch. We haven't shared any physical affection since we watched Cygnus die.

"Come on, lets go to bed love" she spoke so softly, butterflies erupted in my stomach. I followed her into the bedroom then we parted ways. I wish she could hold me while I sleep but Dolores shares our room.

The next morning

Bella had woken me up early so we could have longer at breakfast. I got up and ready and we headed down to the great hall.

We saw Snape on our way and decided to approach him as we haven't spoken to him in a while. However, the closer we got, we realised he was with some boys and they certainly didn't seem like his friends. "There's my cousin Sirius" Bella said through gritted teeth.

Sirius had been disowned for being a blood traitor, it makes sense that his presence angers Bella. Both of us decided that we would keep most of our parents morals alive.

Before I knew it we were stood behind them. Bellatrix cleared her throat and the four boys turned to stare at us. "Good morning Severus. What's going on here?" I asked as the boys started to back away. "Not so fast gentlemen" Bella said scowling at the four of them. "What do you think you're doing" I yelled.

"Who are these Snivellus? Your girlfriends?" we scoffed at the response, earning us a pathetic glare from the nerdy boy named James. "We suggest you leave Severus alone. Or you'll have us to deal with, and we can be very nasty at times" Bellatrix snarled.

They looked fearful but the smaller one squeaked "like we are scared. Aren't you the girl that tried to kill themselves" My blood boiled so I grabbed him firmly. "No, I am not. Don't you ever speak to me like that again. Now scram" I shouted.

The four boys ran away faster than you could say quidditch.

"Thank you guys but I don't need protecting" Snape said kindly. "Of course Sev, but please you have to tell us if they bother you again. You say you don't need protecting but we want to protect you" I said with a smile.

He nodded and we walked into the great hall together to begin breakfast, later informing Tom of our newfound enemies.

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