Chapter 12

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The term ended relatively quickly. Bella and I were packing, ready to go home. "I still can't believe you met mother without telling me" she huffed. "Bellatrix. How many times must I tell you, I didn't ask to meet her and she was worried about me. I was fully interrogated, it wasn't fun" I stated bluntly, tired of explaining myself.

"I know but you could have at least told me" she said, rolling her eyes. "For the last time. I am sorry"

"Will you two stop bickering!" Dolores yelled from under her covers causing Bella and me to burst out laughing. Dolores was staying at Hogwarts so we were fortunate to be going home.

We both got into the Hogwarts express and travelled to London where we would be met by Druella and Narcissa.

The train was basically empty since Halloween was such an insignificant holiday but Bella and I were just excited to be going home.

The train finally pulled up to kings cross station and we exited the train. We scanned the platform and my eyes locked with Cissies. "NARCISSA!" I yelled, running towards her. I caught her in my arms and gave her the tightest hug.

"I've missed you so much!" she breathed, I loosened my grip because I could tell I was suffocating her slightly.

I eventually let go so she could see Bella and I gave Druella a tight hug. "It's good to see you again Y/N. How have you been?" I pulled away and smiled, "I've been good. Better since I met you in the three broomsticks. Bellatrix wasn't happy about that by the way" she just tutted and held her arms out for us to take.

Next thing I knew we were back at the house of Black. "It's so good to be home" Bella and I said in unison causing us to laugh. We rushed upstairs to put our things away so that we could spend time catching up with Narcissa before dinner.

"So what have you done at school?" she asked sweetly. I laughed "Bella, remember that time we blew up our potion?" she gasped, obviously remembering what I was talking about. "Yes! Slughorn was not impressed" we laughed.

We were interrupted by a house-elf apparating into the room. "Jesus Blinky, must you do that?" Bella yelled. "Sorry Mistress Black, Blinky is here to tell you that dinner is ready" and with that, she apparated away again. "Blasted house-elves" Bella snarled.

We got up and made our way to the dining room. We took our seats and began eating. I could feel Druella's eyes on me as I ate.

"Girls, tomorrow I will take you to Diagon alley so you can all buy a new dress for the Halloween ball" I couldn't wait!!


We apparated to Diagon Alley. "Girls, I will be back in an hour. Do not lose each other" Druella said, before apparating away again. "Ugh, I can't believe we had to bring you along" Bella spat at Andromeda. "Believe me Bellatrix. I'm not happy about being here with you and her either" 'her' being me. "Excuse me? I have a name Drommy" I snarled. "Don't call me that!" she yelled.

"Well use my name then!" I yelled back. Bella, Narcissa and I swiftly walked away and headed into the shop in which we will choose our dresses. "Mother said we have no spending limit, so pick whatever you like" Bella smiled as we went to browse dresses.

"Y/N I think I like this one" I heard Cissy say. I walked over and saw the most beautiful dress. The colours suited her very well. "Cissy, it is absolutely beautiful. Why don't you go and try it on!" I watched as she ran into the changing rooms before resuming to find my own dress.

I spent a while looking before I found the perfect one. It was a beautiful red gown with a diamond-encrusted torso. It was off the shoulder and the bottom half was silk and it flowed down to my ankles.

The others handed their dresses to me and we paid. We exited the shop and I turned to Andromeda. "I hope you've got some shoes or an idea for your hair because your dress is so ugly" Bella and I laughed.

I felt my cheek sting as I realised her hand had collided with it. I stood there in shock at her retaliation. I would have done something back if we weren't in public but thankfully Druella witnessed the slap. "Andromeda Black, that was totally uncalled for!" I smirked at the fact that she got wrong. I was now planning my revenge.

We apparated back to the manor and had some dinner.

Time skip- the night of the ball.

I was already dressed and so was Bella so we made our way downstairs together. Cissy was already there and stood with her mother, she saw us coming so she tugged the sleeve of Druella's dress. She turned around and said "Merlin, you girls look absolutely stunning!" we smiled and returned the compliment.

It wasn't long before I had to gage in conversation with friends of my parents. I was beginning to get sick of hearing "How are you doing" and "you're making them proud" and "you're so strong". I get that enough from Druella.

I managed to escape the adults and I made my way to the corner where Bellatrix was stood. "Have you worked out your revenge yet Y/N?" I smirked. "Actually Bella, I have!" I whispered in her ear what I was planning on doing and she scanned the room for her sister. She discreetly pointed at her for me to find.

When I noticed her I used my wandless magic. I used a transfiguration spell to turn her already ugly dress into rags. She hadn't noticed at first until someone pointed it out. We watched as she looked down at her ruined dress and run out of the room screaming.

The whole room went quiet, watching the scene. Bella and I had to try and contain our laughter so that attention would be avoided.

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