Chapter 17

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Sixth year :)

Christmas is tomorrow and we couldn't be more excited. We are all at home this year and the festivities are keeping our moods up. Andromeda is lucky that the atmosphere is keeping us content, we haven't killed her... yet.

I walked into Bella and I's room and noticed she was already there. "Hello love, what are you doing?" I asked since it was only 3 pm. "Waiting for you" she said, her voice laced with lust.

I wasn't expecting that answer but I'd take it!

I smirked and ran up to the bed, where she was sat. The second I was close enough, I smashed my lips into hers. I straddled her lap and she deepened the kiss. She is intoxicating.

I soon realised where we were so I quickly pulled away and searched for my wand. "Wait! What's wrong" she questioned frantically. I finally found it and whispered "muffliato. Don't want to be heard now do we?" I said smirking.

I rejoined her on the bed to carry on where we left off.

We made out for a long time but were interrupted by a loud crashing coming from downstairs. "What was that?" I questioned. "It was probably nothing" Bella replied.

I cocked my head at her and raised an eyebrow. I went to get up but she grabbed me by the hips, "please don't leave me Y/N" she gave me puppy dog eyes, I usually couldn't resist...

... but, I wasn't so sure so I briskly got up and left the room, Bella chased after me.

I slowly made my way downstairs and stopped outside the dining room where the shouting and banging were coming from. I slowly opened the door slightly to reveal Druella and Cygnus in a heated argument.

"I can't believe you would do that to me, and for what?" Druella screamed. "Get real Druella, I don't understand why you're getting so worked up about it" Cygnus yelled back. He had clearly done something terrible to make her react like this.

"You cheated on me Cygnus, yet you fail to understand why I am unhappy!" he scoffed at her statement. "Do you love her?" I heard her say. Bella was gripping onto my arm, clearly disturbed by what she was hearing. "Love who?"

"Don't act dumb. Ophelia, your mistress" she spat. I heard a muffled yes and something shattering. "How could you! We have three young girls and our best friends daughter to think about. Yet you go and do something like this!" I could feel the rage radiating from her body.

"Druella we never married for love. You know that I know that, even the girls probably know that" he shouted. "Do not bring the girls into this. You have no right, especially not when you were so disappointed at their births to discover that you wouldn't have an heir to the family name. The disgust on your face each time, it has never left me" Bella let out a small whimper, that must have hurt her deeply.

"You know that all I ever wanted was to keep the Black family name alive. You failed me Druella" he shouted. "So you thought you would cheat on me to fix your life problems hmm? Do you think I could control the gender of our children before giving birth?" - silence.

"I'm sorry" he said.

"Sorry? Is that all you've got" Druella screamed in anger.

But the next thing we knew, the spell we feared most was cast. A flash of green light filled the room and a loud thud came from the other side of the door. Bella couldn't contain herself and she flung the door open. "What did you do?" she yelled, in hysterics.

Druella turned to face her daughter. "Bellatrix i-" she was at a loss for words. I just stood in the doorway looking at Cygnus' dead body. "Mother, what have you done?" Bella cried over her father's body. Although she never cared much for him, he was still her father.

She stood in shock over what she had just done.

"Nobody can know girls, promise me you won't tell anyone what I did" we both nodded, we couldn't see her go to Azkaban. Besides, he wasn't a good husband. It was only a matter of time before this happened.

"Come on Druella, why don't you go sit in the library with Bellatrix" I said and gestured for them to leave the room so I could deal with the body. They were both so confused and upset.

When I knew they were gone I summoned the house-elves. "I need you to dispose of Master Cygnus' body. I don't care how just as long as no one is ever able to find it" They did as I said immediately and I made my way to the library to check on Druella and Bella.

I walked into the library and the pair were crying into each other's arms. I felt awful for Bellatrix losing her father but a large amount of relief for Druella, she is now free of the toxic relationship. I'm not exactly sure what we are going to say to Narcissa and Andromeda though.

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